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AQA A Level Geography Paper 2 (7037/2) - 3rd June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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AQA A Level Geography Paper 2 (7037/1) - 3rd June 2024 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 3rd June/ AM
Length: 2h 30m

AQA A Level Geography
(edited 10 months ago)

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Hi, I'm flowersinmyhair and I aiming for a B in geography. My favourite part of the human course that I have studied is population and the environment because of the health aspect included in the topic.
Reply 2
What was on last year’s paper, anyone know?
Reply 3
Original post by mleffler
What was on last year’s paper, anyone know?
I looked through last years thread a while ago and all I gathered was for changing places:
Outline one piece of data you collected in portraying the lived experience in your distant place. [4 marks]
How does economic change lead to ‘contrasting impacts on the place characteristics’ [20] (not exact wording but something like this)
any early predictions guys since they were mostly right about the physical paper
2023 paper 2 geography. GS/GG - Outline how patterns of global production and consumption reflect globalisation. Using figure x and your own knowledge, assess the extent to which global systems cause injustices for people. The impacts of changes in the carbon cycle represent the greatest threat to antarctica and the southern ocean. How far do you agree. Changing Place - Outline how you used one data source to investigate lived experience in your distant place. Using figure x and your own knowledge, evaluate the role of past processes in creating present day place meanings. You have studied either economic change or changing cultural characteristics. Assess the contrasting impact of one of these factors on the characters of your local and distant place. CUE - Outline how the rise of the service economy has led to urban change. Using figure x and your own knowledge, evaluate the success of pollution reduction policies in cities such as Mexico. The success of recycling schemes to reduce waste in urban areas depends on the economic characteristics and attitudes of the population. How far do you agree. Assess the relative importance of physical and economic factors in creating patterns of economic inequality in contrasting urban areas you have studied
does anyone have any predictions for the upcoming paper, need to cook on this one cause physical went so badd
How many city challenges are we supposed to know? my school went through 4 but cba to learn them all
Guys does human geography test the same assessment objectives as physical? So the following:

Section a: 4 marker testing ao1, 6 marker testing ao3, 6 marker testing ao1&ao2 and 20 marker testing ao1&ao2

Section b same as above

Section c: 4 marker testing ao1, 6 marker testing ao3, 9 marker testing ao1&ao2, 9 marker testing ao1 and ao2 and 20 marker testing ao1&ao2
Original post by principal-ontolo
Guys does human geography test the same assessment objectives as physical? So the following:
Section a: 4 marker testing ao1, 6 marker testing ao3, 6 marker testing ao1&ao2 and 20 marker testing ao1&ao2
Section b same as above
Section c: 4 marker testing ao1, 6 marker testing ao3, 9 marker testing ao1&ao2, 9 marker testing ao1 and ao2 and 20 marker testing ao1&ao2

Original post by Lizzy_rosey
How many city challenges are we supposed to know? my school went through 4 but cba to learn them all

Urban policy and regeneration in Britain since 1979. 1979-1991 = urban development corporation. 1991-1997 = city challenge. 1997-2000's = new deal for communities. You should realistically have one example for each three sections. I did London Docklands for urban development corporation. Hulme city for city challenge. Plymouth for new deal communties
Reply 11
Original post by Sushiiiiiiii
does anyone have any predictions for the upcoming paper, need to cook on this one cause physical went so badd
same my physical went ok but I need to bag paper 2 or im cooked fr 😭
Reply 12
Does anyone have any predictions for any of Changing places, Global systems & global governance and Resource Security?
(edited 8 months ago)
Original post by mattypoppy123

Thank youuu!
Original post by flowersinmyhair
Hi, I'm flowersinmyhair and I aiming for a B in geography. My favourite part of the human course that I have studied is population and the environment because of the health aspect included in the topic.
Yes I agree, population and the environment is a good topic. Especially as there is a case study in health in your local place which links perfectly with changing places
Reply 15
Original post by random006
Does anyone have any predictions for any of Changing places, Global systems & global governance and Resource Security?

a possible 20 marker for globalisation could be to do with benefits vs inequalities and injustices, they could link it to global institutions, TNCs or maybe unequal flows of people, money, ideas, technology or power

looking at the spec this is everything they could ask us in a 6 marker

not worried about central tendency, iqr etc
but standard deviation, spearmans and chi-squared :frown:

will they give us the formula?
Original post by floptropica

looking at the spec this is everything they could ask us in a 6 marker
not worried about central tendency, iqr etc
but standard deviation, spearmans and chi-squared :frown:
will they give us the formula?
You only need to know roughly how to do chi squared, students t test and standard deviation, they're supposed to give you the formula. However in the past they have forgotten too and not done anything about it. Just practice using the formula a few times
how likely is it that distant and local place come up again since the 4 and 20 markers last year were on it
Original post by Farkimra88
how likely is it that distant and local place come up again since the 4 and 20 markers last year were on it

In that case it’s probably unlikely to but make sure that you at least know some facts just in case but maybe don’t go too into detail in learning everything about it