The Student Room Group

school a level bio and chem

my school is going to switch exam boards from Edexcel to AQA for bio and chem a level, next year (when i am gonna be in sixth form). is this a good thing? will teachers be less good at teaching exam board they arent used to? is aqa better?
for bio aqa has a 25 marker essay which no other exam board has i believe, something to look in to, id look into the difference in the specifications etc
Reply 2
Original post by ismaelishere
my school is going to switch exam boards from Edexcel to AQA for bio and chem a level, next year (when i am gonna be in sixth form). is this a good thing? will teachers be less good at teaching exam board they arent used to? is aqa better?

I don’t think you have to worry too much, it’s mainly the same thing. I doubt it will affect teaching, since the teachers will know the content.
Reply 3
All A level exam boards are viewed as equal by ALL Universities and employers.
None are 'better' than others.

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