Hi there, looking for positive and any negative views on studying Biology at Aberystwyth. How have you found the course content and quality of teaching? And how easy is finding accommodation in 2nd and 3rd years? Thanks
Hi there, looking for positive and any negative views on studying Biology at Aberystwyth. How have you found the course content and quality of teaching? And how easy is finding accommodation in 2nd and 3rd years? Thanks
Hi there,
Regarding 2nd and 3rd year accommodation, the SU and accommodation office can help assist students who want to find accommodation in town with private landlords but there are plenty of options and I have not known anyone be unable to find accommodation in town. You can also apply for halls in 2nd or 3rd year and although it is not guaranteed like it is for first years there is often plenty of spaces as most students decide to live in town after their first year. I applied for Fferm Penglais as my first choice with 3 friends for my second year and we all got places very easily.