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Edexcel GCSE HISTORY PAPER 3 (1HI0 30-33) - 11th JUNE [Exam Chat]


How well did your Edexcel GCSE HISTORY PAPER 3 (1HI0 30-33) exam go today?

Edexcel GCSE HISTORY PAPER 3 (1HI0 30-33) - 11th JUNE [Exam Chat]
Paper 3: Modern depth study

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Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 11th JUNE PM
Length: 1 hour 20 mins

Good luck!
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(edited 10 months ago)

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This thread is for Edexcel GCSE Topics:

30: Russia and the Soviet Union, 1917–41
31: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918–39
32: Mao’s China, 1945–76
33: The USA, 1954–75: conflict at home and abroad.
anyone doing usa have predictions ??? im convinced its gna be civil rights first half and vietnam second but idk which actual content could come up... reactions to the vietnam war (hard hats, silent majority etc) maybe or failures of the nixon doctrine
No sorry, Weimar and Nazi Germany.
Any predictions for this?
Original post by morleyclare
No sorry, Weimar and Nazi Germany.
Any predictions for this?

ngl if anything comes up about nazi policies to women and culture then im gonna fumble
Good luck guys here are my predictions, but please REVISE EVERYTHING TO BE SURE
any predictions for russia? a lot of good questions have already come up so im not sure!
Any idea on overall grade boundaries for edexcel history gcse? What do you think
Reply 9
Original post by YellowBadger2
Any idea on overall grade boundaries for edexcel history gcse? What do you think

i reckon like 87% for a grade 9. btw does anyone know what came up last year for weimar and nazi germany???
Original post by User_09
i reckon like 87% for a grade 9. btw does anyone know what came up last year for weimar and nazi germany???

Last year I think it was 145 for a 9 or something like that- it’s crazy high.
Last year I’m pretty sure that the paper was mostly based on the Weimar Republic, there was quite a lot of criticism from teachers and students alike.
Reply 11
any predictions for russia?
Guys I’m actually tweaking bro why is this exam on the same day as chemistry😭😭😭😭😞😰
Original post by unequivocal
Guys I’m actually tweaking bro why is this exam on the same day as chemistry😭😭😭😭😞😰

Nah same except I have further math too 💀
Original post by staristrying
Nah same except I have further math too 💀

Woah three exams on one day that's acc crazy 😭
Original post by demeaning-preten
Woah three exams on one day that's acc crazy 😭

Pretty sure you can get special consideration for the 3rd paper. I think that’s what it says on JCQ
Reply 16
for weimar and nazi germany imma predict:

Gustav stresemann's policies (economic and foreign)
opposition from left wing and right wing e.g. spartacist uprising, kapp putsch (might be q1 souce)
strengths/weaknesses of weimar constitution
sm abt the church and opposition in general to nazi party 1933-39
increase in support for Nazi party 1920-1923
lives of women and workers 19933-39
Original post by User_09
for weimar and nazi germany imma predict:
Gustav stresemann's policies (economic and foreign)
opposition from left wing and right wing e.g. spartacist uprising, kapp putsch (might be q1 souce)
strengths/weaknesses of weimar constitution
sm abt the church and opposition in general to nazi party 1933-39
increase in support for Nazi party 1920-1923
lives of women and workers 19933-39

I’m hoping it’s gonna be about the church! I’m not sure they’d ask an entire question about the constitution but that could certainly feature in the question about the unpopularity of the Weimar Republic
Original post by User_09
i reckon like 87% for a grade 9. btw does anyone know what came up last year for weimar and nazi germany???

Q1 = Source A (published in the 80s by an author who grew up in the 20s/30s in Germany)
What can you infer about Nazi education
'In line with Nazi educational policies, there had been a lot of changes in
schools after the Nazis came to power in 1933. Some changes had hardly been
noticed, others had been introduced with a lot of publicity.
My neatly-dressed, well-behaved school friends did not question the new
books, the new songs, the new curriculum, or the new rules.
The number of Physical Training lessons was increased while the number of
lessons for Religious Education and other subjects was reduced.'

Q2) Explain why the Nazi party was reorganised in the years 1924-28

Q3a) How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into cultural changes in the Weimar Republic in the years 1924 - 28

Q3b and c) - same as always, 'whats the main difference' and 'why are they different'

Q3d) How far do you agree with Interpretation 2 about cultural changes in the Weimar Republic in the years 1924–29?

Source B: From an article published in the magazine Der Kreis, 1927. Der Kreis was a
German magazine about new trends in culture. It was published monthly from 1924–33.
Everything that we call progress has the single purpose of making people stronger, happier, and more cheerful. It might be the construction of a new sports arena or the introduction of films with sound in the cinema. The radio belongs to this progress as well. It fills the family’s long evening hours with entertainment and education. Besides this, the radio makes it
possible for every human being to feel they are a part of what is happening somewhere else in Germany. For example, someone living in Hamburg can be ‘present’ in the Cathedral Square in Cologne. As radio broadcasts can be heard by 200 000 listeners, radio has become a significant cultural factor.
Source C : - It's been redacted, so I'm unsure what it was :frown:
Interpretation 1:
From Germany, 1858–1990 by A Kitson, published in 2001.
Mass culture grew significantly in the 1920s. The number of newspapers increased. Radio, a new method of communication, began. Nationwide radio broadcasting began in 1923 and the number of listeners increased from 10 000
in 1924 to over 4 million by 1932. Cinema, an existing method of communication, expanded. By the end of the 1920s, Germany had more cinemas than any other European country. Germany also made more films in the 1920s and early 1930s than all the other European countries put together. Spectator sports, such as boxing and football, became more popular.
Interpretation 2:
From Germany in the Twentieth Century by P Sauvin, published in 1997.
It was a time when crime, sex and drugs became major problems in Berlin and in most other important German cities. Paintings were full of violent images. Films, plays and stories were written to shock people. Many of the themes were political. The cabaret singers in nightclubs sang about a society where people were free to do and say anything and were critical about Weimar politicians. German film directors produced horror films and films that were intended to challenge people’s ideas of right and wrong.

(FYI last years sources B,C and interpretations faced backlash from teachers, as much of the factual evidence that they were suggesting/implying you use is not included in the spec, such as radio/sport in the Golden Years.)
(edited 8 months ago)
does any one have a good timeline with the events explained for weimar/nazi germany tht i can print?? plz lmk

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