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OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 1 (Y101-Y113) - 7th JUNE [Exam Chat]


How well did your OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 1 (Y101-Y113) exam go today?

OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 1 (Y101-Y113) - 7th JUNE [Exam Chat]
Paper 1: British period study and enquiry

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam.
Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 7th JUNE PM
Length: 1 hour 30 mins

Good luck!
Click here to find exam discussions for other A-Level subjects
(edited 10 months ago)

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This thread is for OCR A-Level Topics:

Alfred and the making of England 871—1016
Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035—1107
England 1199—1272
England 1377—1455
England 1445—1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII
England 1485—1558: the early Tudors
England 1547—1603: the late Tudors
The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603—1660
The making of Georgian Britain 1678 c. 1760
From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783—1853
Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846—1918
Britain 1900—1951
Britain 1930—1997
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by 04MR17
This thread is for OCR A-Level Topics:
Alfred and the making of England 871—1016
Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035—1107
England 1199—1272
England 1377—1455
England 1445—1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII
England 1485—1558: the early Tudors
England 1547—1603: the late Tudors
The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603—1660
The making of Georgian Britain 1678 c. 1760
From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783—1853
Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846—1918
Britain 1900—1951
Britain 1930—1997
Anyone got early tudors predictions?
Reply 3
anyone doing later tudors?
Reply 4
Original post by Hehehritijrbtbt
Anyone got early tudors predictions?

Not much, but my teacher said the AS paper asked both essay questions on Henry VIII, so it's possible they could do the same for the a level, or do both questions on Henry VII. She also said both questions were specific with dates, so be careful of the timeframes of the question
Reply 5
I sat last year's paper - both questions were on Henry VIII - the one I answered compared foreign policy before and after 1529. The Source question was Mary and the burnings/catholicity, so I would focus revision on Henry VII and Edward. I think this paper is quite hard to predict.
Original post by 04MR17

OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 1 (Y101-Y113) - 7th JUNE [Exam Chat]
Paper 1: British period study and enquiry

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam.
Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.
Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:
General Information
Date/Time: 7th JUNE PM
Length: 1 hour 30 mins
Good luck!
Click here to find exam discussions for other A-Level subjects

Hey everyone! Prepping for the OCR A-Level History Paper 1 on June 7th. How’s everyone else feeling? Let’s share tips and ace this!
(edited 8 months ago)
Reply 7
Original post by sarahchrysan
Hey everyone! Prepping for the OCR A-Level History Paper 1 on June 7th. How’s everyone else feeling? Let’s share tips and ace this!

What's Tilf? I don't believe I've heard of it before
(edited 8 months ago)
does anyone have predictions for britain 1930-1997? Or helpful notes?
Original post by EmilyMango
What's Tilf? I don't believe I've heard of it before

It's a website that the other user has been advertising across The Student Room over the past few days (not allowed to in our guidelines though).

This late into the term you are best sticking to methods you already use rather than trying new websites and having to set up accounts / potentially pay for stuff.
Original post by joeltully
does anyone have any good revision techniques that summarise the information?

Get someone at home to test you on your key dates etc.
When was the Poor Law Amendment Act?
What are the main consequences of the Great Reform Act?
Name 4 of the 6 Chartist principles.
Original post by girlstudyies
does anyone have predictions for britain 1930-1997? Or helpful notes?

I do! I feel like its gonna be on Thatcher and Britain's role in the world, not sure which specific ones tho, and for sources it could be Churchill as a wartime leader
Original post by 04MR17
It's a website that the other user has been advertising across The Student Room over the past few days (not allowed to in our guidelines though).
This late into the term you are best sticking to methods you already use rather than trying new websites and having to set up accounts / potentially pay for stuff.

it is not very good tho I tweaked my politics ideas essay to not include any thinkers and it gave me 22/24. My teacher gave me 17/24 with thinkers in the essay! I then asked ChatGPT to write a generic essay on "to what extent do feminists agree on the economy?" It was a horrible essay very descriptive, with zero key thinkers. I put it into Tilf and gave it 23/24! AI is not very good at marking anyway as it tends to overdo it and be very generous.
Reply 13
anyone doing britain 1900-1951?
Stuart predictions?
Original post by RachelBoss
it is not very good tho I tweaked my politics ideas essay to not include any thinkers and it gave me 22/24. My teacher gave me 17/24 with thinkers in the essay! I then asked ChatGPT to write a generic essay on "to what extent do feminists agree on the economy?" It was a horrible essay very descriptive, with zero key thinkers. I put it into Tilf and gave it 23/24! AI is not very good at marking anyway as it tends to overdo it and be very generous.

Interesting results, thank you for sharing - how are you feeling about the exam?
Reply 16
anyone doing later tudors?

Reply 17
Original post by jburns18
anyone doing britain 1900-1951?

yes what are your predictions
Reply 18
Original post by joeltully
yes what are your predictions

i’m not sure, but they haven’t asked on lloyd george and the 4 giants so wondering those?? have u got any ideas?
Original post by 04MR17
Interesting results, thank you for sharing - how are you feeling about the exam?

It will be a tough week of revising, but I'm feeling pretty good about the exams so far. I had Further Maths on Monday and Maths today in the afternoon, and I still have Politics on Wednesday and History on Friday. Feeling pretty good about this History exam as I have some float time after politics lol. Cannot wait to be finished with exams on the 20th!

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