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OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 2 (Y201-Y224) - 11th JUNE [Exam Chat]


How well did your OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 2 (Y201-Y224) exam go today?

OCR A-Level HISTORY PAPER 2 (Y201-Y224) - 11th JUNE [Exam Chat]
Paper 2: Non-British period study

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Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 11th JUNE AM
Length: 1 hour

Good luck!
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(edited 10 months ago)

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This thread is for OCR A-Level Topics:

The rise of Islam c. 550 750
Charlemagne 768—814
The Crusades and the crusader states 1095—1192
Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c. 1167 1405
Exploration, Encounters and Empire 1445—1570
Spain 1469—1556
The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500—1559
Philip II 1556—1598
African kingdoms c. 1400 c. 1800: four case studies
Russia 1645—1741
The rise and decline of the Mughal Empire in India 1526—1739
The American Revolution 1740—1796
The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774—1815
France 1814—1870
Italy and unification 1789—1896
The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803 c. 1890
Japan 1853—1937
International relations 1890—1941
Russia 1894—1941
Italy 1896—1943
Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919—1963
The Cold War in Asia 1945—1993
The Cold War in Europe 1941—1995
Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948—1999
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 2
Hey there! Is anyone else doing democracy and dictatorships in Germany?
Original post by EmilyMango
Hey there! Is anyone else doing democracy and dictatorships in Germany?

Any predictions?
Reply 4
Original post by Hehehritijrbtbt
Any predictions?

My teacher said it was pretty likely a question on divided Germany would show up, like a question on either East or West Germany. It did on last year's AS paper which I sat, and there's been so many questions on divided Germany over the years
Reply 5
Does anyone know last years questions for International relations?
Original post by Hehehritijrbtbt
Any predictions?
My teacher seems to think the factors that caused the division of Germany, that's the end of topic 3 I think, or a question on the success of Adenauer
Reply 7
Is anyone doing Russia 1891-1941 and if so any predictions?
anyone who does international relations - what revision resources are you using? i have a textbook but theres far too much info in there and far too little time for me to do anything with it, so what else could i be using? i wish there was a revision guide
Reply 9
any predictions for the south africa question ?
Original post by 04MR17
This thread is for OCR A-Level Topics:
The rise of Islam c. 550 750
Charlemagne 768—814
The Crusades and the crusader states 1095—1192
Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c. 1167 1405
Exploration, Encounters and Empire 1445—1570
Spain 1469—1556
The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500—1559
Philip II 1556—1598
African kingdoms c. 1400 c. 1800: four case studies
Russia 1645—1741
The rise and decline of the Mughal Empire in India 1526—1739
The American Revolution 1740—1796
The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774—1815
France 1814—1870
Italy and unification 1789—1896
The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803 c. 1890
Japan 1853—1937
International relations 1890—1941
Russia 1894—1941
Italy 1896—1943
Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919—1963
The Cold War in Asia 1945—1993
The Cold War in Europe 1941—1995
Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948—1999

anyone know what question for french revoulition last year
anyone know what italian unification was last year?
Original post by EmilyMango
Hey there! Is anyone else doing democracy and dictatorships in Germany?

yup i am
Reply 13
anyone doing usa in the 19th century?
Original post by ItsBlueVR7
yup i am

How are you feeling about it? I hope it'll be better than paper 1 and 2 personally
Original post by EmilyMango
How are you feeling about it? I hope it'll be better than paper 1 and 2 personally

im hoping its Weimar, because i dont think ive revised the other topics enough
Reply 16
hi does anyone know the african kingdoms questions from 2023’s paper?
Original post by shahidahmad
anyone know what question for french revoulition last year

20 markers: How important were the Enlightenment and the American revolution in bringing about revolution in France? and To what extent was Napoleon's empire in France a police state?

I have no clue for 10 markers
Original post by ItsBlueVR7
im hoping its Weimar, because i dont think ive revised the other topics enough

Literally, weimar or the frg would be nice
Original post by oliver12332
anyone know what italian unification was last year?

10 markers were
Which of the following had the greater impact on Italy?
i) The revolutions of 1848-49 in Piedmont
ii) The revolutions of 1848-49 in Naples

Which of the following contributed most towards the establishment of new Kingdom of Italy 1850-1861?
i) Cavours action outside italy
ii) Cavours action within italy

20 markers
‘Napoleonic rule was the most important factor in laying the foundations of unity in Italy in the period from 1789-1847.’ How far do you agree?

‘The treatment of the Mezzogiorno was the greatest failure of Italy during the period from 1861 to 1896.’ How far do you agree?

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