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Maths GCSE/A level

hi, I hope you all are well.

Currently, I will be doing my GCSEs this year(2024). I am currently working at grade 6 in maths. I really enjoy maths and find it so interesting but I really struggle with it, with questions mixed with topics like ratio and geometry. I only have one month left so can anyone please suggest me what can I do.

I want to take Maths as A level and I may do a degree in mathematics if possible. How difficult is maths A level and how difficult it is to get A or A star in A level maths. How will be maths A level for me if I am working at grade 6 in GCSE.

I am extremely worried as I want to at least achieve grade 7 in maths so please suggest me what shall I do, I will really appreciate it.

I hope you will understand me and help me as soon as possible.
Thank you

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Reply 1
Hi, I hope you all are well.

Currently, I am in year 11, will be doing GCSEs soon. I am thinking to take A level maths, Btec business and btec health and social care. Am I able to do mathematics degree with these subjects in university which doesn't require further maths? please let me know as I am really worried otherwise I have to change health and social care to other subject.

I hope someone will understand me and help me as soon as possible.

Reply 2
The best way to get better at maths is practice, practice, practice - if you are struggling at a certain topic try targeted revision, and corbett maths 5-a-day, onmaths practice papers, mrtomkins edtech, there are many wonderful youtubers - try your best you've got this!
Reply 3
Honestly GCSE maths isn't hard if you put the correct effort in. By correct effort i mean revising effectively.
I'd start off by working through every maths genie topic from grade 1 - understand each topic carefully and dedicate one flashcard to each topic which contains everything that you think you would forget or found hard to grasp when watching the videos to help you.

Then I'd work through the practice mock sets (its 18 sets from every pp in edexcel gcse maths)
After I'd start with these pp
^ i dont remember where they're from but there were similar booklets to these called aiming to grade 7 etc and they were super hard. PixiMaths ones are mid

Reply 4
Original post by Harman Kaur
Hi, I hope you all are well.
Currently, I am in year 11, will be doing GCSEs soon. I am thinking to take A level maths, Btec business and btec health and social care. Am I able to do mathematics degree with these subjects in university which doesn't require further maths? please let me know as I am really worried otherwise I have to change health and social care to other subject.
I hope someone will understand me and help me as soon as possible.

Pls stop spamming. Youve posted ~a dozen identical posts in the last 30 min.
Reply 5
Original post by limbobimbo
Honestly GCSE maths isn't hard if you put the correct effort in. By correct effort i mean revising effectively.
I'd start off by working through every maths genie topic from grade 1 - understand each topic carefully and dedicate one flashcard to each topic which contains everything that you think you would forget or found hard to grasp when watching the videos to help you.
Then I'd work through the practice mock sets (its 18 sets from every pp in edexcel gcse maths)
After I'd start with these pp
^ i dont remember where they're from but there were similar booklets to these called aiming to grade 7 etc and they were super hard. PixiMaths ones are mid

thank you so much. first link is really useful, I will use it. I already knew about second link but thank yo. I really appreciate it. Isn't it too late because only one month left until GCSEs and I have other subjects to revise for as well? Is it not possible to do all maths genie from grade 1 to grade 9 in short amount of time. I was thinking to start doing from grade 8-9 to grade 6 or grade 5 for only topics that I struggle with? can you please advice me what should I follow?
Reply 6
Original post by daisy_dream
The best way to get better at maths is practice, practice, practice - if you are struggling at a certain topic try targeted revision, and corbett maths 5-a-day, onmaths practice papers, mrtomkins edtech, there are many wonderful youtubers - try your best you've got this!

thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. I have lots on other subjects to revise for. How I am going to revise in short time?
Reply 7
Original post by Harman Kaur
thank you so much. first link is really useful, I will use it. I already knew about second link but thank yo. I really appreciate it. Isn't it too late because only one month left until GCSEs and I have other subjects to revise for as well? Is it not possible to do all maths genie from grade 1 to grade 9 in short amount of time. I was thinking to start doing from grade 8-9 to grade 6 or grade 5 for only topics that I struggle with? can you please advice me what should I follow?

Icl i left all my extra subjects (i did spanish, history, foodtech and re) to the last 2 weeks b4 GCSEs and came out with 8s) but obvs idk how confident you are in those topics so I'd suggest just doing those practice mock sets every week.

There's 18 sets (btw scroll down till u see it says set 01), 54 papers (im guessing tht) and you got like 46 days left so if you start from set 5 and complete like one set per day (do one paper in class, during lunch and one at home) you should be fine.

Spend 2 hrs on maths, 2 hrs of english lit and 1 hr on a chosen subject, and another hour on another chosen subject.
Then the next day do 2 hrs maths, 2 hrs science (40 mins per subject) and 1 hr on chosen subject, etc.
The day after that do 2 hrs maths, 2 hrs eng lang and 1 hr chosen subject, etc

Maths is ur priority as you wanna take tht in a lvls and u need 6-7+ for most unis which offer competitive courses.
Reply 8
Original post by Harman Kaur
hi, I hope you all are well.
Currently, I will be doing my GCSEs this year(2024). I am currently working at grade 6 in maths. I really enjoy maths and find it so interesting but I really struggle with it, with questions mixed with topics like ratio and geometry. I only have one month left so can anyone please suggest me what can I do.
I want to take Maths as A level and I may do a degree in mathematics if possible. How difficult is maths A level and how difficult it is to get A or A star in A level maths. How will be maths A level for me if I am working at grade 6 in GCSE.
I am extremely worried as I want to at least achieve grade 7 in maths so please suggest me what shall I do, I will really appreciate it.
I hope you will understand me and help me as soon as possible.
Thank you

In my experience Maths A Level is a big step up from GCSE, but if you put in the work you can definitely get an A. However, at my school no-one was allowed to take Maths for A Level if they didn't get at least an 8 in GCSE. Obviously that isn't normal, but a good indicator of the level you'd hope to be at. Most people at our sixth form get an A or above in Maths for A Level by the end. But you should be fine, just don't leave everything until last minute and try to understand topics you learn as soon as possible (which is easier said than done and I know it's what everyone says but it is true!)
Reply 9
Original post by limbobimbo
Icl i left all my extra subjects (i did spanish, history, foodtech and re) to the last 2 weeks b4 GCSEs and came out with 8s) but obvs idk how confident you are in those topics so I'd suggest just doing those practice mock sets every week.
There's 18 sets (btw scroll down till u see it says set 01), 54 papers (im guessing tht) and you got like 46 days left so if you start from set 5 and complete like one set per day (do one paper in class, during lunch and one at home) you should be fine.
Spend 2 hrs on maths, 2 hrs of english lit and 1 hr on a chosen subject, and another hour on another chosen subject.
Then the next day do 2 hrs maths, 2 hrs science (40 mins per subject) and 1 hr on chosen subject, etc.
The day after that do 2 hrs maths, 2 hrs eng lang and 1 hr chosen subject, etc
Maths is ur priority as you wanna take tht in a lvls and u need 6-7+ for most unis which offer competitive courses.

thanks you are so helpful. I dont know how to thank you but you provide extremely good advice. I wish you good luck for your life, I dont know what you are doing but if you are in sixth form, college, university or doing job I am just want to thank you and wishing you lots of good luck in you life. you have taken your precious time to help me. It is a lot for me. THANKS. you are making me feel so much better, I was extremely worried.

As you said that I should do 2 hrs one subject, 2hrs second subject and 1 hr third subject. After school I start studying from 5:00pm. As you said that I should do past papers everyday, how it that possible if I have to revise for 2hrs for each subject then when can I do past paper? For maths: should I start from set 01 or last set?
Reply 10
Original post by ahdhfhjcj
In my experience Maths A Level is a big step up from GCSE, but if you put in the work you can definitely get an A. However, at my school no-one was allowed to take Maths for A Level if they didn't get at least an 8 in GCSE. Obviously that isn't normal, but a good indicator of the level you'd hope to be at. Most people at our sixth form get an A or above in Maths for A Level by the end. But you should be fine, just don't leave everything until last minute and try to understand topics you learn as soon as possible (which is easier said than done and I know it's what everyone says but it is true!)

Thanks for your help.I only need grade 6 in maths to do A level maths which I am already working at but I am aiming to get 7 or even 8 if I can.
Reply 11
Original post by Harman Kaur
Thanks for your help.I only need grade 6 in maths to do A level maths which I am already working at but I am aiming to get 7 or even 8 if I can.

Hello! I achieved a grade 9 in GCSE Mathematics (213 out of 240 marks) back in 2019, you can private message me for some advice.
Do the past papers when you're revising maths ofc. It'll be hard to fit in 3 papers within 2 hours so I'd spread it out throughout the day as I said before - do one paper during lunch and one paper at home. Rotate between doing paper 1 and paper 2 and paper 1 and paper 3.

Since you're starting from 5pm, do 5pm till 7pm. 7.30pm to 9.30 pm and 9.30 pm to 10.30-11.30pm.

Also, start from set 05.
Reply 13
Original post by limbobimbo
Do the past papers when you're revising maths ofc. It'll be hard to fit in 3 papers within 2 hours so I'd spread it out throughout the day as I said before - do one paper during lunch and one paper at home. Rotate between doing paper 1 and paper 2 and paper 1 and paper 3.
Since you're starting from 5pm, do 5pm till 7pm. 7.30pm to 9.30 pm and 9.30 pm to 10.30-11.30pm.

thank you for your help. but which set do I start from (past papers) set 01 or from last set?
EDIT: What about past papers from past years? Is it worth only doing those set papers or actual past papers or both of them? If both of them, I dont have enough time left.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 14
Original post by Harman Kaur
hi, I hope you all are well.
Currently, I will be doing my GCSEs this year(2024). I am currently working at grade 6 in maths. I really enjoy maths and find it so interesting but I really struggle with it, with questions mixed with topics like ratio and geometry. I only have one month left so can anyone please suggest me what can I do.
I want to take Maths as A level and I may do a degree in mathematics if possible. How difficult is maths A level and how difficult it is to get A or A star in A level maths. How will be maths A level for me if I am working at grade 6 in GCSE.
I am extremely worried as I want to at least achieve grade 7 in maths so please suggest me what shall I do, I will really appreciate it.
I hope you will understand me and help me as soon as possible.
Thank you

Doing exam practice papers and questions will help massively I think and then getting your math teachers mark it - the website Mymaths is quite useful to help focus on the areas that you struggle with - it’ll give you practice questions which you may find useful and then it’s marks them for you. However I think you can only use it if your school is already signed up for it (though I may be wrong)
Reply 15
Original post by lxstdaisy
Doing exam practice papers and questions will help massively I think and then getting your math teachers mark it - the website Mymaths is quite useful to help focus on the areas that you struggle with - it’ll give you practice questions which you may find useful and then it’s marks them for you. However I think you can only use it if your school is already signed up for it (though I may be wrong)

thanks. I think myMaths can only be used if school has signed up for us but my school haven't so I cannot use it.
Reply 16
Hi I hope you all are well.
Which GCSE grades and A level grades do I need to do mathematics degree in university. for A levels I am willing to choose maths, business and health and social care. I dont want to take further maths and My school doesn't offer it. Some people say that I can do mathematics degree if I haven't studied further maths in some universities. Please let me know if I am correct and are these subjects okay? I am not sure about health and social care, I may change it or not.

Reply 17
taking further maths isn't a requirement, only maths is a requirement but you have to take the MAT on top of your alevels, and you have to achieve high scores in both to be able to do maths
Reply 18
Original post by Harman Kaur
Hi I hope you all are well.
Which GCSE grades and A level grades do I need to do mathematics degree in university. for A levels I am willing to choose maths, business and health and social care. I dont want to take further maths and My school doesn't offer it. Some people say that I can do mathematics degree if I haven't studied further maths in some universities. Please let me know if I am correct and are these subjects okay? I am not sure about health and social care, I may change it or not.

Which country are you in?

You need to check out the degree requiremtents of unis you may be interested in.
Reply 19
Original post by cyberd00m
taking further maths isn't a requirement, only maths is a requirement but you have to take the MAT on top of your alevels, and you have to achieve high scores in both to be able to do maths

oh ok thats great that I don't have to take further maths. what is MAT?

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