It is neither good nor bad. I was single my whole life, and it never worried me.
I worked in the Child Support Agency and take my word for it: if children are involved in a relationship breakdown, you are basically (rude word). Pragmatically, these days, being in a relationship is risky, very risky, rather than good or bad. IMHO, it contributes to the prediction that by 2030, about 50% of people will be single. That does not mean you do not go out and socially interact with the opposite sex - just being more serious can be something of a crap shoot. It's entirely up to you if you want to pursue, or try to pursue, it. Thats where the other statistic comes in - 80% of women want 20% of the men. If you are not in that 20% life can be very frustrating - believe me. But I accepted my lot early on as did many of my friends. As an aside dont become an INCEL - they are so toxic its a blight on society.