The Student Room Group

Computer science nea idea

I'm in year 12 and i need an idea for my computer science nea idea soon because everyone i talk to keeps telling me to start it as soon as possible because it takes up so much of your time. I'm really stuck for ideas that can get me high marks and i have created a doc of all the ideas and matched it with what the spec says but none seem worthy- if anyone has any ideas that would help
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Original post by studyingsam
I'm in year 12 and i need an idea for my computer science nea idea soon because everyone i talk to keeps telling me to start it as soon as possible because it takes up so much of your time. I'm really stuck for ideas that can get me high marks and i have created a doc of all the ideas and matched it with what the spec says but none seem worthy- if anyone has any ideas that would help

my Ideas so far they are ranked:

(2) Management system- EPOS

(2)Game: board games (

(1) data processing problem for a business e.g. stock control or membership

(2)application of AI

(2) Maze generation/ game

(1) Quiz

(2) Public transport app

(3) Finding shortest path on a large site

(2) Sudoku solver

(3) Timetabling system

(3) Machine learning

(2) Data analysis

(1) Web app dev

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