The Student Room Group

Would I regret not going year 13 prom?

I mean I was friends with someone who gossiped a lot and I have lost friends through that. But being her friend made me understand how fake some people are and how 2 faced they are. I just feel like it'll be underwhelming, just like year 11 prom. I feel like I'll be missing out. But I just feel like for all the effort of dressing up, i cba to go. Would I regret not going prom?
Original post by DaydreamingTeen
I mean I was friends with someone who gossiped a lot and I have lost friends through that. But being her friend made me understand how fake some people are and how 2 faced they are. I just feel like it'll be underwhelming, just like year 11 prom. I feel like I'll be missing out. But I just feel like for all the effort of dressing up, i cba to go. Would I regret not going prom?

Hi @DaydreamingTeen

Sorry to hear you've had a rough time with your friendships at the moment.

For my sixth form prom, I found it much more relaxed than my year 11 prom. People still dressed up and it felt formal, but as we were a bit older and there were less students, a lot of the pressure had been taken off. So you might find this prom a but more comfortable.

I would say to not let what has been happening with your friendships dictate whether or not you should go. Of course you want to go with friends, but this is your celebration of your studies as much as anyone else's, so you should be able to enjoy it. It's also only going to happen once, which is the main reason I decided to attend mine.
Is there anyway you can try and resolve things with your friends? It would be a shame to end your time at sixth form on a low.

Plus, if worst comes to worst and you're really not enjoying yourself, you can always head home. This way you have the option to go, and can always leave if you feel you need to. Try not to put too much pressure on your outfit/how you look too. Of course, you'll look fabulous! But if costs and finding something to wear is also impacting your decision, then don't stress. Most of my friends ended up with dresses and outfits from high street shops or even second hand, and they all looked amazing.

Wishing you the best with your studies and good luck with prom - whatever you decide!
Emily 🙂
Student Rep at BCU
If you have friends and don’t go over some petty fight then you’ll regret not going. If you don’t have friends, you won’t regret it. I didn’t go to my a level prom (school one was cancelled but wouldn’t have gone to that either) because I didn’t have friends and I’ve never regretted it because I would’ve just been awkwardly stood in a corner alone. But if you still have some kind of friend group that you would go with, you’ll probably regret not going
Go, but dressed as an oriental dragon, or furry. Even one will be drawn to say hello for the insta moment.
Reply 4
These fleeting and largely toxic events are generally best avoided
Reply 5
Attending a dance party is also a unique experience in youth.

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