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Medicine 2026 application help

Hello can anyone give me advice for medicine.i really need help

I want to prep for medicine and I am going into sixth form in 2024 predicted 12 9s and 2 7s.

what ucat books would you guys recommend and are there any websites that are good for revision and information.

what 4th alevel should I do other than bio chem and maths I want to do something easy. I have been recommended Phycology but I haven’t done that at gcse so will I struggle and is it actually easy?

I have year 12 to get work experience and skills-what kind of things should I do- I have gone to summer school at imperial, done a week in a hospital and virtual work experience. What else do I need to do.

I am looking at imperial or ucl med school.
Reply 1
For Psychology, I would recommend the subject if you have a good memory! A lot of the unit relies on being able to remember theories, for exams. I would recommend going through a revision booklet for psychology to see if the content is feasible for you. Good luck!
Reply 2
Hi y13 here with 2 medicine offers

Firstly i would really think about whether doing a 4th a level is a wise thing to do - if it is only optional in your sixth form with the other heavy topics you’ve picked it may not be a good decision.

Any sort of volunteering is good as long as you can then describe the applicable skills you have learnt that will help you be a medical student then doctor

For UCAT my advice is to not worry about it right now - I personally used medify but the problem with the ucat is that its about studying smarter not harder with that one - doing too much practice too early can actually work against you in many of the sections

Overall i would concentrate on your GCSE’s I know several people who were predicted high grades but didn’t get them in the end

If you have any more questions happy to help
Reply 3
Original post by eallistar
Hi y13 here with 2 medicine offers
Firstly i would really think about whether doing a 4th a level is a wise thing to do - if it is only optional in your sixth form with the other heavy topics you’ve picked it may not be a good decision.
Any sort of volunteering is good as long as you can then describe the applicable skills you have learnt that will help you be a medical student then doctor
For UCAT my advice is to not worry about it right now - I personally used medify but the problem with the ucat is that its about studying smarter not harder with that one - doing too much practice too early can actually work against you in many of the sections
Overall i would concentrate on your GCSE’s I know several people who were predicted high grades but didn’t get them in the end
If you have any more questions happy to help

Thank you for your response.

Congratulations on the two offers that is so good. What did you do to get the 2 offers. How was the exam and interview.

My school makes us do 4 alevels sadly.

And for ucat I might do a little over the summer just to get insight into the exam and I will use Medify then
Thank you for your recommendation. What other books or resources did you use that helped.

Also for interviews and applications do you have any advice for what I should expect and know about In advance.
Reply 4
Original post by Munknown20
For Psychology, I would recommend the subject if you have a good memory! A lot of the unit relies on being able to remember theories, for exams. I would recommend going through a revision booklet for psychology to see if the content is feasible for you. Good luck!

Oh okay that makes sense.
Thank you for your response
Original post by Tiba44
Hello can anyone give me advice for medicine.i really need help
I want to prep for medicine and I am going into sixth form in 2024 predicted 12 9s and 2 7s.
what ucat books would you guys recommend and are there any websites that are good for revision and information.
what 4th alevel should I do other than bio chem and maths I want to do something easy. I have been recommended Phycology but I haven’t done that at gcse so will I struggle and is it actually easy?
I have year 12 to get work experience and skills-what kind of things should I do- I have gone to summer school at imperial, done a week in a hospital and virtual work experience. What else do I need to do.
I am looking at imperial or ucl med school.

Get your GCSEs done first, then worry about the rest. For medicine make sure you pick bio and chem and for your third pick a subject you will find easy / confident that you can get an A* in it. Don’t pick a 4th subject as you’re just putting more stress on yourself. And for UCAT you don’t need to think about that yet
Reply 6
Original post by Tiba44
Thank you for your response.
Congratulations on the two offers that is so good. What did you do to get the 2 offers. How was the exam and interview.
My school makes us do 4 alevels sadly.
And for ucat I might do a little over the summer just to get insight into the exam and I will use Medify then
Thank you for your recommendation. What other books or resources did you use that helped.
Also for interviews and applications do you have any advice for what I should expect and know about In advance.

Your welcome :smile:
I read ‘this is going to hurt’ - most people read that but I just wanted personal insight into the struggles of working as a doctor in the NHS so I didn’t bring it up in my personal statement - instead I talked about a book called ‘Adventures in human being’ which I recommend reading. In a nutshell, i recommend just taking the steps to applying as they come because advice changes according to where you apply

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