The Student Room Group

Ib Itgs Hl

Hey guys. Anyone else here does IB ITGS HL ? I'm in the second year now. I just looked at (it's score summaries), and if you scroll down to some world scores, you can see that last year, 12 out of 911 people got a 7 in ITGS HL.

That is ridiculous!! that's like 1.3% of people! are the grading people really that harsh, or do people that take ITGS think it's gonna be an easy course, and end up getting low marks in it.
I am good with technology, I program, and I really wish my school had CS available instead of ITGS.

So, if you are doing ITGS, how is your course going? Are you scared for the exam? The above statistic scared the bejesus out of me :frown:.....

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Reply 1
I am on the same boat as you. Before I made my IB choices, I was given the impression by the senior students that ITGS was one of the easier subjects to take in group 3. I am pretty decent when it comes to technology as well so I chose it and now I am regretting it more than ever. The three portfolios + extensions are killing me (maybe its just because of my teacher's stringent standards).

I think the main problem with ITGS is that there is no proper syllabus you can follow, especially when it comes to exam revision. We've been pretty much used to studying this way in GCSE and other examination so taking the exam not knowing what may possibly comes up puts us at a distinct disadvantage. Some of the questions in the exam are pretty vague as well. You think you put the right answer but they are asking for something else. I guess the only way to get a 6/7 for ITGS is by getting used to the exam questions by working on past papers? Oh and getting high marks for your portfolios too.

I got a 4 overall in my mock exam so I am pretty scared of the real ones coming up pretty soon :frown:
I am on the same boat as you. Before I made my IB choices, I was given the impression by the senior students that ITGS was one of the easier subjects to take in group 3. I am pretty decent when it comes to technology as well so I chose it and now I am regretting it more than ever. The three portfolios + extensions are killing me (maybe its just because of my teacher's stringent standards).

I think the main problem with ITGS is that there is no proper syllabus you can follow, especially when it comes to exam revision. We've been pretty much used to studying this way in GCSE and other examination so taking the exam not knowing what may possibly comes up puts us at a distinct disadvantage. Some of the questions in the exam are pretty vague as well. You think you put the right answer but they are asking for something else. I guess the only way to get a 6/7 for ITGS is by getting used to the exam questions by working on past papers? Oh and getting high marks for your portfolios too.

I got a 4 overall in my mock exam so I am pretty scared of the real ones coming up pretty soon :frown:

Reply 3

Yup. Not good at all. That was actually the first time I had a go at a ITGS paper so I am hoping for the best after some intense past paper revisions. :smile: How are everyone's portfolios and projects going?
Reply 4
I did my 3 portfolios, but still have to do the extension.... ugh, i hate interviews, and in that fact, any research that involves something other than googling
Reply 5
the reason why i take ITGS' coz the other group 3 classes are full =='
but its quite okay though.. and yes, the grade boundaries are evil.
Yup. Not good at all. That was actually the first time I had a go at a ITGS paper so I am hoping for the best after some intense past paper revisions. :smile: How are everyone's portfolios and projects going?

I'm in my first year in IB doing ITGS at SL level. Right now we have a long winter vacation until Jan. When we come back, our FIRST portfolio is due! The portfolio must be about a controversial IT technology; debateable whether if it is good/bad. But right now i am having trouble finding a good technology. Biometrics is taken and many other good things. CAn anyone help me please? The article must be from March 08 and after! Thanks, i will really really appreciate it!:biggrin:
Reply 7
now I really regret that I took ITGS.
Reply 8

I'm in my first year in IB doing ITGS at SL level. Right now we have a long winter vacation until Jan. When we come back, our FIRST portfolio is due! The portfolio must be about a controversial IT technology; debateable whether if it is good/bad. But right now i am having trouble finding a good technology. Biometrics is taken and many other good things. CAn anyone help me please? The article must be from March 08 and after! Thanks, i will really really appreciate it!:biggrin:

There are quite a few you can find from the technology parts of many news site. Here is one you may find interesting but its not that unique.

Check out BBC, SKY, Google news and all the major news provider out there and you should find many with no problems at all.
Reply 9
Hey guys. Anyone else here does IB ITGS HL ? I'm in the second year now. I just looked at (it's score summaries), and if you scroll down to some world scores, you can see that last year, 12 out of 911 people got a 7 in ITGS HL.

That is ridiculous!! that's like 1.3% of people! are the grading people really that harsh, or do people that take ITGS think it's gonna be an easy course, and end up getting low marks in it.
I am good with technology, I program, and I really wish my school had CS available instead of ITGS.

So, if you are doing ITGS, how is your course going? Are you scared for the exam? The above statistic scared the bejesus out of me :frown:.....

hey dude i knew that ITGS was hard bt damn not that currently a HL student and im on my 3rd portfolio piece and my teacher....well....she isnt all that good of a teacher... i am pretty scared for the exam though
Hey guys. Anyone else here does IB ITGS HL ? I'm in the second year now. I just looked at (it's score summaries), and if you scroll down to some world scores, you can see that last year, 12 out of 911 people got a 7 in ITGS HL.

That is ridiculous!! that's like 1.3% of people! are the grading people really that harsh, or do people that take ITGS think it's gonna be an easy course, and end up getting low marks in it.
I am good with technology, I program, and I really wish my school had CS available instead of ITGS.

So, if you are doing ITGS, how is your course going? Are you scared for the exam? The above statistic scared the bejesus out of me :frown:.....

I think people end up thinking it's a really easy course, just like me. Those statistics freak me out..12 people..out of 911?HOW?
Most of the questions asked in the papers are of things which you'd know..infact during my mid-terms, I really didn't study from my textbook t but did more past papers..
I think I can get a much better grade at this subject provided I do some memorizing -_-
Right now my teacher thinks I can get a 5. But I wanna go higher then that lol. I still have 1 portfolio and extension remaining..omg the extension is annoying since you have to take a interview..not something that we can do online.
Which books do you guys use for ITGS HL btw?just wondering..
Reply 11
We use "Computer Confluence" in our school, but over the 1.5 years I've been doing IB I maybe read 2 pages.

And yeah, I hate the concept of the extension. It's due soon and I haven't started. I hate assignments that require making surveys / interviews, ie collecting primary data. I read somewhere also that it's very difficult to get high marks on the extension if you do only 1 interview, they recommend 2 or more.... :frown:

Finally, how do you guys answer the 10 mark questions in your schools? The ones that ask to explain/evaluate/discuss a concept. Are you told to write it as a 5 paragraph essay, or just write 3 paragraphs discussing some central issues. My class has been told to write an introduction and conclusion, but it kind of seems a waste of time, you writing something for which you will gain no marks whatsoever. I know that you gain marks for identifying a concept of the question, but you might as well do that if you write the 3 paragraphs.
Do you guys think that it's a good idea to include an introduction and conclusion, even though they are time-wasters and don't add anything to the discussion? I guess the only advantage of an intro and conclusion is that the examiner sees a fully developed idea with a beginning and an end. I don't really know what to think of it, should I spend the extra time to include an introduction and conclusion? How are you guys told to do this?
Reply 12
The examiners sound kind of like my ITGS teacher...... no matter what we do no one in th class can get a decent mark, the highest ( only happened once) mark was a 5 in the past year in and a half, and those portfolios really piss me off!! im done with two of them, but im still looking for a proper topic for my third piece, i want it to be something interesting because of the extension...... overall im expecting to get no more than a five *with the help of my portfolios*
Reply 13
we use computer confluence as well, and to be honest ive never heard of *10 mark questions* just to show how great our class is.... :P
Reply 14
lol, sounds like your teacher still didn't get you very prepared.

on paper 2, you get long answer section, where one question is worth 20 marks. it's split into usually 4 subquestions, with point scheme usually around 2,4,4,10, where the 10 mark question asks you to analyze something in detail.

anyone else have any experience with the 10 mark questions ?
im a first year IB student, well in my class, im the only one that has the computer confluence book since its pretty expensive here.. around $1000+ o.o
and we're currently doing our 2nd portfolio already.
but since september till now, i dont think i learnt much.

i think i would try to self study the whole course :s-smilie:
I did ITGS HL last year, and ended up getting... a 6 I think? With a grand total of 6 people in my class, only two of us took it seriously - the rest of them took the class, thinking it'd be a complete joke and an easy 7.
They were hilariously wrong.

All I can say for the exams is that you MUST do a lot of extraneous reading. The BBC tech news section,,, arstechnica... Anything vaguely technological. Oh - and the case study? Freakin' MEMORISE everything about it.

About the 10 mark questions - what I was told to write was a brief introduction explaining social & ethical issues to be discussed then for each issue - a paragraph to introduce the issue, an example of the issue/tech affecting other areas, then a paragraph explaining the relevance to the question - then an assessment of the most important issue and possibly resolutions to these issues.
The exam is a LOT of writing.

Really wish I remembered more from the course now, my teacher was also an examiner/marker for ITGS, so he pretty much knew what he was talking about.
Reply 17
I am currently preparing for the mocks and my ITGS teacher came up with an idea of revising a brief case study for every topic you find in the syllabus. I think this is actually pretty helpful as you'll at least have some basic understanding of whatever appears in the exam papers

P.S. Maari: Which school do you go to?
Youresocutewhenyouscream: we only have 3 students in my class :P
I am currently preparing for the mocks and my ITGS teacher came up with an idea of revising a brief case study for every topic you find in the syllabus. I think this is actually pretty helpful as you'll at least have some basic understanding of whatever appears in the exam papers

P.S. Maari: Which school do you go to?
Youresocutewhenyouscream: we only have 3 students in my class :P

thought 3 students were less? lol i'm the only student in IB2 for ITGS.. baha
so ITGS students - how's your revision going? I haven't even started yet. gosh. I've got to work really hard from now on.