The Student Room Group

Further maths

How can I get better in AS Further maths mechanics cause currently I’m failing
Reply 1
Original post by ridhima1
How can I get better in AS Further maths mechanics cause currently I’m failing

Which board?
Reply 2
Original post by Muttley79
Which board?

Reply 3
Original post by ridhima1

There aren't a lot of free resources out there.

Try these:
Reply 4
Original post by Muttley79
There aren't a lot of free resources out there.
Try these:

Thank you😊
Reply 5
keep practicing, maybe do madas maths?
Reply 6
Original post by ridhima1

Sorry might be a bit late, I also do OCR MEI further maths and am in Y13. One of the modules I am taking this summer is the Mechanics Minor which is essentially the same as the AS Mechanics Module. I recommend watching the TL Maths videos for mechanics as his videos are catered to MEI.
Reply 7
Original post by michaelbl
Sorry might be a bit late, I also do OCR MEI further maths and am in Y13. One of the modules I am taking this summer is the Mechanics Minor which is essentially the same as the AS Mechanics Module. I recommend watching the TL Maths videos for mechanics as his videos are catered to MEI.

Thank you

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