The Student Room Group

I feel so lost right now

My GCSES are in a month and since its Easter break, I should be revising loads especially if I want to improve my grade but since ever the break started, I've been struggling to revise and concentrate, especially after dealing with a family member's death 2 weeks ago, it has been very difficult for me to revise. I also recently did my mocks in which I got decent grades but I still think I can improve. However, I'm struggling a lot to just sit on my desk and just revise, the maximum I can do is 1 hour which isn't enough especially if I want to improve my grades. It sucks because before my family member's death, I was in this really good routine of revision but now I'm struggling + with motivation as well :frown:. Also, as soon I open tiktok, I see people doing 5 hours of revision maximum at least, including my friends doing hardcore revision as well and while I'm aware that what matters most is how efficiently you're revising, it still makes me feel terrible and makes me feel like I'm not going to do well in my GCSEs. What do I do?
(edited 10 months ago)
Can you get extenuating circumstances? Talk to your school about how you’re grieving as well as trying to revise. Also one hour a day is a good amount of revision to be doing. You don’t need to sit there and study for hours, a few half hour periods of studying a day with breaks in between will be extremely beneficial if done consistently :smile:
Reply 2
Original post by klistral
My GCSES are in a month and since its Easter break, I should be revising loads especially if I want to improve my grade but since ever the break started, I've been struggling to revise and concentrate, especially after dealing with a family member's death 2 weeks ago, it has been very difficult for me to revise. I also recently did my mocks in which I got decent grades but I still think I can improve. However, I'm struggling a lot to just sit on my desk and just revise, the maximum I can do is 1 hour which isn't enough especially if I want to improve my grades. It sucks because before my family member's death, I was in this really good routine of revision but now I'm struggling + with motivation as well :frown:. Also, as soon I open tiktok, I see people doing 5 hours of revision maximum at least, including my friends doing hardcore revision as well and while I'm aware that what matters most is how efficiently you're revising, it still makes me feel terrible and makes me feel like I'm not going to do well in my GCSEs. What do I do?

You could try doing revision that isn't so tough on you, for example for English watch a video on the plot while doing something else. This way you don't have to focus your mind completely on the revision and by doing revision that isn't so tough on you it might help you get your motivation back. For other subjects like a language, watching your favourite film in that language helps so much.
Hope this helps!
Reply 3
You could try doing revision that isn't so tough on you, for example for English watch a video on the plot while doing something else. This way you don't have to focus your mind completely on the revision and by doing revision that isn't so tough on you it might help you get your motivation back. For other subjects like a language, watching your favourite film in that language helps so much.
Hope this helps!
Reply 4
hey, i'm really sorry that you're going through such a tough time. 1 hour of revision is still good! you're still getting work done 🙂 don't be too hard on yourself and it's important to let your school know about it so that you'll be given special consideration in your exams. don't look down on yourself or compare yourself to others. it's good to know that you've pushed yourself to do an hour revision! try to gradually work back up to that good routine you had by starting small. i suggest trying the pomodoro technique! this is where you revise for shorter chunks of time and take more frequent breaks. for example, you can work for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. if you feel confident, you can challenge yourself to do an hour revision then take 25 minute breaks. if you're feeling down, remind yourself of your goals. what would you like to do after GCSEs? you could aim to do well to make your family proud, but most importantly do it for yourself. and lastly, please take care of yourself! i hope things will get better! you can do it 💪

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