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Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (1ET0 01) - 13th May 2024 [Exam Chat]


How well did your Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (1ET0 01) exam go today?

Edexcel GCSE English Literature Paper 1 (1ET0 01) - 13th May 2024 [Exam Chat]

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Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 13 May/ AM
Length: 1h 45m
Good luck!

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(edited 10 months ago)

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Reply 1
guys does anyone know what will come up for macbeth and inspector calls
How many quotes should we learn for each of the novels we read and how many should we use in the 40 markers??
Reply 3
Does anyone know what questions came up for R&J and Animal Farm last year? Trying to see if there's a pattern
Original post by tinny-treason
How many quotes should we learn for each of the novels we read and how many should we use in the 40 markers??

I'd say aim for 5 per paragraph and 4 or 5 paragraphs
Reply 5
does anyone know if macduff or malcolm will come up as what to write about elsewhere or are they not relevant enough, panicking for that a bit
Original post by graceke
does anyone know if macduff or malcolm will come up as what to write about elsewhere or are they not relevant enough, panicking for that a bit

I thought they could only ask us theme questions??
But I have no clue what to say for malcolm he's barely in the play😭
Reply 7
Original post by vanishing-skille
I thought they could only ask us theme questions??
But I have no clue what to say for malcolm he's barely in the play😭

Oh! That's relieving 😂 my teacher messed me up on that one thanks though
Original post by graceke
Original post by vanishing-skille
I thought they could only ask us theme questions??
But I have no clue what to say for malcolm he's barely in the play😭

Oh! That's relieving 😂 my teacher messed me up on that one thanks though

I'm not sure thooo cuz my teacher told us they've never done a character question but it could happen. But I feel like it's extremely unlikely cuz macbeth and lady macbeth would be too easy and Macduff and malcolm and stuff would be too hard but I would still prepare something if I were you
if anyone does of mice and men, any predicitions for this year?
Reply 10
Last year Lady Macbeth and theme of power came up
Original post by Ansaop123
Last year Lady Macbeth and theme of power came up

Lady macbeth for the extract?? Or as the part b??
But power as a part b is soo goodd
Reply 12
Original post by vanishing-skille
I'm not sure thooo cuz my teacher told us they've never done a character question but it could happen. But I feel like it's extremely unlikely cuz macbeth and lady macbeth would be too easy and Macduff and malcolm and stuff would be too hard but I would still prepare something if I were you

ok thank you!
Reply 13
Somone explain me difference between level 4 and 5 on the markscheme for 40 marker
anyone doing Of Mice and Men and has any predictions on what might come up?
Original post by abcdefghilmn
if anyone does of mice and men, any predicitions for this year?

i'm doing it but I have no idea what will come up. I'm hoping its George and Lennies relationship.
Reply 16
Original post by abcdefghilmn
if anyone does of mice and men, any predicitions for this year?

they haven't asked about characters such as Slim or the significance of animals in the novel recently. For the theme question, they have overused relationships, so I doubt that that will come up. They have not asked about isolation in about 5 years, so that could be a question. However they may ask about some vague theme like farmers
Reply 17
Original post by abcdefghilmn
if anyone does of mice and men, any predicitions for this year?

ok so for the character questions, I am betting on either Slim (and possibly how he represents the lower class), or the significance of animals in the novel, because they love that question. for the theme questions, they haven't asked about isolation in about 5 years... they could also ask about more obscure themes such as representation of farmer or something. they have asked a lot on relationships and responsibility, so i doubt that that may come up. they haven't asked about lennie in a while though, so if the paper is an easier one, if bet on lennie.

THEME - isolation, farmers in 1930
CHARACTER - lennie, slim, or animals in general
Reply 18
how likely are malcolm, banquo, duncan to come up as section B
Reply 19
Original post by sophie8907
i'm doing it but I have no idea what will come up. I'm hoping its George and Lennies relationship.

Stableman (forgot his name but the disabled one) will repeat again

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