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Computer science conversion course - right for me?

Hey, I'm currently a BA Music student who will be shortly graduating from Durham University. I have always been interested in computer science and programming, and have managed to encoporate quite a bit into my degree, mostly relating to algorithmic / computer composition using Python and SuperCollider. I also have modest knowledge of Java and OOP, a little of R, and have studied maths to A-Level standard. So as well as humanties skills I have a fairly quantatitive background too, and am able to pick up these things pretty quickly.

I am wanting to broaden my horizons further in this direction, with the aim of eventually landing a job in computing. For this I want to gain a deeper academic understanding of comptuer science topics, and the mathematics involved. I am quite interested in gaining an understanding of linear algebra and mathematics relevant to machine learning, though obviously that is quite advanced.

This makes me think I might benifit from a conversion course rather than a "coding bootcamp" per se, as I already know how to code reasonably well and can build those skills on my own. Would this be relevant to my situation? My concern is that most computer science conversion courses seem to be aimed at people with no coding experience whatsoever, so I don't want to waste my time learning stuff I already know or can easily pick up given my background.

Can anyone reccomended any computer science courses that are appropriate for my skill level and situation? Also, something that has just occured to me is that a mathematics conversion course might also be worth considering. Does anyone know of any of these?
Hi @novamelody,

Congratulations on your fantastic educational achievements so far!

If you are looking for a computer science programme option with a high degree of flexibility, you may also want to consider LIBF.

At LIBF, we understand each individual's journey is unique and take a holistic approach to each application. We factor in personal statements, backgrounds, work experiences, and other qualifications. You can find out more about our entry requirements here -

Here you can also find our Computer Science course guide, which covers topics like how to prepare for a computer science degree, career prospects, salary expectations and more -

I hope this information helps you to make an informed decision!


(edited 10 months ago)

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