The Student Room Group

We can't find your application right now - SFE 2024 Application Issue

Hi, I’m currently making an application for my final year of studies and I’ve come across an issue for my second sponsor (Mum). After entering my CRN, Date of Birth/ Address on my Mum’s account it says “We can’t find your application right now”.

I have entered the correct name and she doesn’t have a middle name, however when filling out the SFE form, I may have got the email address mixed up between my mum and dad. Although, my dad logged into to his SFE account which has been used for previous applications and has submitted everything ok, it’s just my mum’s account which is having trouble.

Having read earlier threads, I’ve asked them to fill out the PFF2 Form. Would this solve the issue or would cancelling this application and restarting fix it?
Hi there. The PFF2 can be filled in and uploaded to your account or your sponsor account, you don't need to cancel the application. Thanks, Leah.
Original post by Leah SLC
Hi there. The PFF2 can be filled in and uploaded to your account or your sponsor account, you don't need to cancel the application. Thanks, Leah.

Thank you for clarifying
You're welcome. I hope you have a nice day.

Thanks, Drew

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