The Student Room Group

Have clear way to tell the difference between user ranks in the app (colours)

Problem Summary
Have clear way to tell the difference between user ranks in the app (colours)

Problem Details
As it stands, if you use the app despite being months into its release, there’s no way to tell who is an official rep, who is a VSL, who is a VT and most importantly who is a community staff member etc at a quick glance. All usernames appear black, no change in font or colour or anything. This could cause an issue for new users or even experienced ones.

So I was thinking of a solution for this (I suggested this solution months ago on 2 occasions but I was aired and received no feedback on my suggestion so hopefully I’ll actually get listened to this time).

Maybe FHs could have their username shown in the FH blue on the App (#4f5bcc), VT purple (#8e0890), VSL Cyan (#29bbec), CS red (#D90222), GS Green (#8cb14f), OR orange (I don’t know hex colour of the official reps). Instead if that’s easier so that users can differentiate between different groups (especially people who try to act as reps when then are not for example and for people to know who is CT/CS).

Then whatever the Orange hex code is for official reps, have their username appear in that colour.

Then there could be a simple page in the app explaining what the different username mean (what type of user it correlates to then then something simple at the bottom of that page linking to the detailed page on the website).




Additional Information
Have it so that VT and above usernames appear bold rather than on the standard font.
To be aired means to be ignored for people who don’t understand this slang.
@Talkative Toad thanks for raising this - just to reassure you, this is on our roadmap already, and should be released in the coming weeks :smile:
Original post by RainbowLapras
@Talkative Toad thanks for raising this - just to reassure you, this is on our roadmap already, and should be released in the coming weeks :smile:

Will usertitles be shown or will it be a case of doing what I suggested (only username colour changes but no usertitle underneath).
Original post by Talkative Toad
Will usertitles be shown or will it be a case of doing what I suggested (only username colour changes but no usertitle underneath).

The user titles will be shown - I don't think the username colours will be changed with the current plans!
Original post by RainbowLapras
The user titles will be shown - I don't think the username colours will be changed with the current plans!

Fair enough and thanks, it would be nice if colours were shown but I can understand why this might not happen.
Original post by Talkative Toad
Fair enough and thanks, it would be nice if colours were shown but I can understand why this might not happen.

There should be some colour still, I think - I believe the current plan is to show the usertitles in their respective colours, just not the usernames themselves! I'll pop a couple of screenshots in this thread ahead of time so people can get an idea of what it will look like :smile:
Original post by RainbowLapras
There should be some colour still, I think - I believe the current plan is to show the usertitles in their respective colours, just not the usernames themselves! I'll pop a couple of screenshots in this thread ahead of time so people can get an idea of what it will look like :smile:

That’s good then. Also thanks for the update.
Original post by Talkative Toad
That’s good then. Also thanks for the update.

This is now live in the app it seems.
@Talkative Toad as above, this is now live in the app - you'll need to update to the latest version to see it :smile:
(edited 7 months ago)
Original post by RainbowLapras
@Talkative Toad as above, this is now live in the app - you'll need to update to the latest version to see it :smile:

Thanks I can see them.

The only thing that is not is that the colours for FH+ do not appear when browsing a thread, it’s still black.
Original post by Talkative Toad
Thanks I can see them.

The only thing that is not is that the colours for FH+ do not appear when browsing a thread, it’s still black.

That's expected behaviour for now, we're looking into accessibility for some of the colours! It should still show the correct usertitles for them still though? :smile:
Original post by RainbowLapras
That's expected behaviour for now, we're looking into accessibility for some of the colours! It should still show the correct usertitles for them still though? :smile:

I see, thanks