The Student Room Group

DWP EO Decision maker role

I’m waiting for my formal offer, currently going through Pre employment checks.
My character ref works for home office and she has told me that when she got into her role her character ref was never contacted. She is telling me she has never received any references yet from DWP for me although DWP say they have sent them twice! Does anyone know if their character references were actually contacted?
I don’t know if my contact isn’t finding the emails or if DWP have even sent them?
Thank you in advance.
Reply 1
Original post by Joanne0209
I’m waiting for my formal offer, currently going through Pre employment checks.
My character ref works for home office and she has told me that when she got into her role her character ref was never contacted. She is telling me she has never received any references yet from DWP for me although DWP say they have sent them twice! Does anyone know if their character references were actually contacted?
I don’t know if my contact isn’t finding the emails or if DWP have even sent them?
Thank you in advance.

Ive been in the HO for over 18 months and they have never contacted any of my references. I am currently in the process of moving departments and they contacted my TL. That is the only time they have done this during my time here.
Reply 2
Original post by NYCSavage
Ive been in the HO for over 18 months and they have never contacted any of my references. I am currently in the process of moving departments and they contacted my TL. That is the only time they have done this during my time here.

Thank you 😊
Reply 3
Original post by NYCSavage
Ive been in the HO for over 18 months and they have never contacted any of my references. I am currently in the process of moving departments and they contacted my TL. That is the only time they have done this during my time here.

Hi I hope you can help I'm hoping to move from DWP to home office I have a professional offer which I accepted last week I have received an email today asking for my team leaders details I wasnt sure on this as I haven't spoken my tl yet as she's on holiday when I asked them why they have replied with We ask for these details to confirm your eligibility for the role, we ask for Line manger details so we can confirm your responses with your line manager it is not for reference purposes.

The questions they asked was: Please confirm the below to allow the Home Office Resourcing Centre (HORC) to conduct our checks:

Your current line managers name and email address
The department you currently work for
Your current grade (including Civil Service equivalent grade)
Your current contract type (i.e. permanent, Fixed Term Appointment (FTA) including end date if applicable)
Your current place of work (city/region)
Were you recruited into your current role by applying and being successful in a campaign that was advertised via Civil Service Jobs? (If you were an agency worker who was converted to an FTA employee - please state no)

I have never heard of this before considering I've not even filled out my security questionnaire yet either. Hope you can help me
Reply 4
Original post by Sophii1
Hi I hope you can help I'm hoping to move from DWP to home office I have a professional offer which I accepted last week I have received an email today asking for my team leaders details I wasnt sure on this as I haven't spoken my tl yet as she's on holiday when I asked them why they have replied with We ask for these details to confirm your eligibility for the role, we ask for Line manger details so we can confirm your responses with your line manager it is not for reference purposes.
The questions they asked was: Please confirm the below to allow the Home Office Resourcing Centre (HORC) to conduct our checks:
Your current line managers name and email address
The department you currently work for
Your current grade (including Civil Service equivalent grade)
Your current contract type (i.e. permanent, Fixed Term Appointment (FTA) including end date if applicable)
Your current place of work (city/region)
Were you recruited into your current role by applying and being successful in a campaign that was advertised via Civil Service Jobs? (If you were an agency worker who was converted to an FTA employee - please state no)
I have never heard of this before considering I've not even filled out my security questionnaire yet either. Hope you can help me

I am invited for a pre-recorded video interview today, please what kind of questions should I be expecting from them?
Reply 5
I received an invite for interview today, can anyone share an idea of expected questions with me. Thank you.
Reply 6
Original post by Sophii1
Hi I hope you can help I'm hoping to move from DWP to home office I have a professional offer which I accepted last week I have received an email today asking for my team leaders details I wasnt sure on this as I haven't spoken my tl yet as she's on holiday when I asked them why they have replied with We ask for these details to confirm your eligibility for the role, we ask for Line manger details so we can confirm your responses with your line manager it is not for reference purposes.
The questions they asked was: Please confirm the below to allow the Home Office Resourcing Centre (HORC) to conduct our checks:
Your current line managers name and email address
The department you currently work for
Your current grade (including Civil Service equivalent grade)
Your current contract type (i.e. permanent, Fixed Term Appointment (FTA) including end date if applicable)
Your current place of work (city/region)
Were you recruited into your current role by applying and being successful in a campaign that was advertised via Civil Service Jobs? (If you were an agency worker who was converted to an FTA employee - please state no)
I have never heard of this before considering I've not even filled out my security questionnaire yet either. Hope you can help me

They need to ensure that you’re moving across without any open investigations, warnings, etc.

Best send them asap cause it takes months to move over.
Reply 7
Original post by Tunapa
I received an invite for interview today, can anyone share an idea of expected questions with me. Thank you.

They will ask you questions around the behaviours that they mentioned in the job advert.

I had an interview today and I was asked 5 strength based questions and then 4 behaviour questions.

Hope this helps.
Reply 8
Original post by NYCSavage
They will ask you questions around the behaviours that they mentioned in the job advert.
I had an interview today and I was asked 5 strength based questions and then 4 behaviour questions.
Hope this helps.

The Pre-Recorded Video interview (PRVI) which consists of 3 pre set questions to answer, how come 9 questions?
Reply 9
Original post by Tunapa
The Pre-Recorded Video interview (PRVI) which consists of 3 pre set questions to answer, how come 9 questions?

Ahhh. I’ve never done a PVR with them. Mines was for a HO role.
Reply 10
DWP Executive Officer - Dispute Resolution Services - Disputes Case Manager (Decision Maker)
Reply 11
Original post by Tunapa
DWP Executive Officer - Dispute Resolution Services - Disputes Case Manager (Decision Maker)

Have you heard anything back at all? Was it the 709 campaign? I am yet to hear back regarding interview ☺️
Original post by NYCSavage
They need to ensure that you’re moving across without any open investigations, warnings, etc.
Best send them asap cause it takes months to move over.

Hi hope you’re well! I just had a quick question, when I initially applied for this job as a DM in home office I had no investigations however since sending the first part of my pre employment checks I now am under invesfigation for a disciplinary. I have just sent over my CTC checks today and they requested my current managers details. Do home office conduct these reference checks and may this affect my application?
Reply 13
Original post by KiJaDo123
Have you heard anything back at all? Was it the 709 campaign? I am yet to hear back regarding interview ☺️

Have you got any response. Waiting for response for the same role
Original post by Dashcoll
Have you got any response. Waiting for response for the same role

I got an email today saying this:

"Thank you for your application for Campaign 709 - DWP Executive Officer - Dispute Resolution Services - Disputes Case Manager (Decision Maker) National.

Due to a large number of applications for this role assessments are taking longer than anticipated.

Thank you for your patience and we will be in touch in due course."

Current status says "Thank you for completing your pre-recorded video interview. You should hear from us soon with regards to the outcome."

How about you?
Original post by Dashcoll
Have you got any response. Waiting for response for the same role

Hey - I got and updated status saying "Thank you very much for completing the interview. Your application is being reviewed." Have you heard anything?

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