Hi all, this is my first post
I'm doing HNC Electrical Engineering and I've come across this one question that im struggling with a little.
You know that the signal takes the following form:
𝑣 = 𝑉𝑝 sin (2𝜋 ft − ∅)
Taking measurements from the oscilloscope display above, determine 𝑉p, 𝑓,and ∅, and insert those values into the above equation.
Now rearrange your new equation to make the time t, the subject of this formula and hence determine, to within 3 decimal places, the first point in time when the voltage waveform has a magnitude of 5.25
Assuiming 𝑣 = 5.25
I have rearranged the formula:
t = asin((5.25/7)+∅)/2𝜋(f)
Am I along the right lines? Any help would be appreciated.