I am a girl (25) and I am dating a guy (28) who is currently in his 5th year of working as an engineer. It's been almost a year for our relationship and I am still in the final year of my university. We have gone on dates for most of the time since then like once per two weeks up then, and now it depends as we both get busy. But he comes with me when I am going home as I am staying at a hostel near my university. So, since we started he paid for all of our meals when we went for dates, and also for traveling. At the start, I told him we would split the cost of meals, but the thing he told me was as I am unemployed and my father pays for me (he pays for my university and living costs) and my boyfriend does a job, he would pay and I should not, and I can pay when I am doing a job. So, since then he would pay for dates, and most of the time he buys expensive food and I also could not afford my father's money for them. Sometimes I feel ashamed and uncomfortable enjoying our food, and also uncomfortable to start eating first. He loves me much and I am too. Am I wrong here? The dates are also most of the time requested by him. (P.S. - I am living in an Asian country where we can not do part-time jobs while doing the degree, especially as I am doing an Engineering degree, doing such jobs is difficult with time).