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Lang Paper 1 Q2 Nov 2018 (Practice Question)

(Hi if anyone see this and are good at english i was wondering if anyone can mark this out of 8 and tell me my www's and ebi's, i would really thank you as i need help like really bad and i struggle with english)

Question 2: How does the writer use language here to describe the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Look in detail at this extract, from lines 16 to 26 of the source.

The writer opens the text by referring to the tyrannosaurus rex as a being that transcends human nature. This is evident as the tyrannosaurus rex is described As a great evil god. The Oxymoron 'evil god' highlights
how the tyrannosaurus rex is a walking contradiction as it's nor good or evil showing how this being is hard to decipher. In addition to this go adjective 'great' has connotations of god, who is regarded as someone is Morally just and righteous, whereas the adjective 'evil' displays connotations of the devil in which he is presented as someone maleficent and corrupt showing a unique parallel between the two. The noun god represents how powerful this tyrannosauras rex destructive capabilities ae being compared to. God is regarded as the most powerful being to ever live, he is someone that is omniscientual with unlimited power that humans con not fathom, this alone shows how the tyrannosaurus rex is beyond mother nature with power humans can dream about.

Furthermore the tyrannosaurus rex is also described as a walking death machine. "Exposing a peace of teeth like daggers", highlights on dangerous the tyran nosaurus rex is the use of simile encaptures on how normal body parts are being used for different purposes such as to hurt, inmobolise or potentially kill someone showing how basic body parts required for simple and basic activities can be a weapon when utilised. The noun conveys how the tyrannosaurus rexs teeth are also built as a means of protection showing how the writer conpares teeth to a fence reinforcing the ideas of how this tyrannosaurus rex is a walking death machine

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