The Student Room Group

Contract Law

Can anyone please help me with this problem question

Phil is wanting to recarpet his house. On Monday 10th he drives to a local floor specialist owned by Loraine. They discuss the type of carpet, the quantity, and the various prices. Loraine says she can supply some samples to Phil before he makes his mind up. Phil agrees to this, as although he knows it is a woollen carpet he wants he is unsure on the colour. On the 11th the three wool samples arrive, and Phil decides to go for the cream wool option. He calls Loraine that afternoon and quotes the sample product code and Lorraine confirms that it would cost £2000 for the quantity required. Unsure about the price Phil decides to have a think about it.
On Wednesday the 12th he writes to Loraine saying he will pay £1800 for the 4 rolls and will wait until 15th June to hear from her before looking elsewhere. On the 14th Lorraine receives Phil’s letter and immediately calls him to agree to the sale of 4 rolls for £1800. Unable to get through to Phil, she writes a letter detailing her acceptance and posts it on the night of the 14th. The letter does not arrive with Phil until the 17th, followed by the carpet on the 18th, by which point Phil has already had delivery from another carpet supplier. Not only is Phil annoyed that he has two quantities of carpet, but the carpet from Lorraine looks odd. He checks it against the sample she sent him and there is a clear difference in colour and texture.
When visiting Lorraine, Phil parked in a nearby multistorey carpark. Phil thought he could pay £5 for one hour and stay a bit longer and would get away with it. Phil took 90 minutes with Lorraine and upon his return he saw a ticket on his car which alerted him to a £50 fine. On returning home, Phil’s partner Alex commented that a newspaper article last week mentioned how fines in car parks are unenforceable punishments and so he should ignore It.

Please advise Phil on his position using Scots Contract Law.
Posting this somewhere other than the "Football" thread might get you the answer you were seeking....

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