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What degrees are accepted for finance?

Hello everyone:smile:, im currently in y12 taking history, eng lit and graphic design. I have recently finished my work experience for an investment bank and I know I want to work in the field as i find it fascinating. I’m interested in compliance and floor trading. I have met people with a variety of different degrees in the field (languages, buisness, chemical engineering and politics, economics ext.), howevever I was wondering if a degree in Law, or even Architecture would be accepted or targeted for getting into an internship for an Investment Bank. Also, would it be worth me taking a buisness degree to help with a potential future career, or can i focus on a degree I know I will preform better in. I know I am limited with my choices of university degrees in buisness as i didnt pick maths. I am keen to try keep options open eith a degree and was looking for any advice, opinions or previous experiences.

Thank you everyone
Reply 1
Have a look at degree apprenticeships, but honestly yeah most degrees will get you into that although economics focussed ones will have more strengths. If you can get a good degree apprenticeship that will set you up in terms of experience and money more quickly than a degree will!

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