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should I take a gap year before my maths degree?

I am currently in y13 just about to take my a level exams. I am doing maths, further maths and chemistry, predicted 3A*, and hold offers from Warwick, Bristol, bath and Exeter to study maths for 2024 entry. I intend to firm Warwick and insure Bristol. I am debating whether or not to take a gap year as I would love to travel and honestly just have a break for a bit. I feel like it’s the only time in life where I can take a carefree year out if you know what I mean. However, I’ve heard that it’s not a good idea to take a gap year before doing a maths degree. I would still intend to do some maths and revise whilst I’m at home in between travelling but would like some advice from others, especially if they’ve taken a gap year before a maths degree! The only thing stopping me is that if I’d be behind everyone else if I’ve had a year out and that I’d be a year older. Any help is appreciated!
Original post by jessicachappell
I am currently in y13 just about to take my a level exams. I am doing maths, further maths and chemistry, predicted 3A*, and hold offers from Warwick, Bristol, bath and Exeter to study maths for 2024 entry. I intend to firm Warwick and insure Bristol. I am debating whether or not to take a gap year as I would love to travel and honestly just have a break for a bit. I feel like it’s the only time in life where I can take a carefree year out if you know what I mean. However, I’ve heard that it’s not a good idea to take a gap year before doing a maths degree. I would still intend to do some maths and revise whilst I’m at home in between travelling but would like some advice from others, especially if they’ve taken a gap year before a maths degree! The only thing stopping me is that if I’d be behind everyone else if I’ve had a year out and that I’d be a year older. Any help is appreciated!

Hello there!

Most degrees don't care about gap years but I vaguely remember hearing something about Maths courses not being big fans of gap years because your Maths skill "rust", or something among those lines. I might be misremembering though! You can definitely ask Warwick and Bristol if you could defer entry for a year and if they say yes, you're golden and you don't need to reapply.

You wouldn't be behind anybody by taking a gap year. I myself am 2 years older than everyone else in my year and you know what... nobody notices. And when they find out, it's like "Wow, I didn't know!" and then they proceed to not care. In fact, I know somebody who is three years older than me in the course! Nobody knows or could tell. Age is but an illusion in young adulthood, so don't worry about that :smile:
Original post by Scotland Yard
Hello there!
Most degrees don't care about gap years but I vaguely remember hearing something about Maths courses not being big fans of gap years because your Maths skill "rust", or something among those lines. I might be misremembering though! You can definitely ask Warwick and Bristol if you could defer entry for a year and if they say yes, you're golden and you don't need to reapply.
You wouldn't be behind anybody by taking a gap year. I myself am 2 years older than everyone else in my year and you know what... nobody notices. And when they find out, it's like "Wow, I didn't know!" and then they proceed to not care. In fact, I know somebody who is three years older than me in the course! Nobody knows or could tell. Age is but an illusion in young adulthood, so don't worry about that :smile:

Yes a few people have said to me that unis aren’t as keen for maths because you lose it a bit. But I’m going to try and keep my maths up as much as I can throughout the year. I know everyone will start learning the new content at the same time but will it really matter if I’ve had a year out? I really can’t decide!!
Original post by jessicachappell
Yes a few people have said to me that unis aren’t as keen for maths because you lose it a bit. But I’m going to try and keep my maths up as much as I can throughout the year. I know everyone will start learning the new content at the same time but will it really matter if I’ve had a year out? I really can’t decide!!

Your first port of call is ask the universities if they'lll be happy to defer your offer for a year, in which case you can take a worry-free year
Reply 4
hi, can I ask when did you get your maths offer from Bath please? I’m waiting on this for a long time. Thanks
Original post by Mybigtoe
hi, can I ask when did you get your maths offer from Bath please? I’m waiting on this for a long time. Thanks

I got it at the end of November but I had a guaranteed offer from them as I completed a program with them. I hope you get yours soon!
Reply 6
Original post by jessicachappell
I got it at the end of November but I had a guaranteed offer from them as I completed a program with them. I hope you get yours soon!

Bath is better than Bristol - huge accommodation issus in Bristol. You need to ask unis as they don't like gap years for Maths. You can take a year out after your degree.

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