The Student Room Group

Texted my crush

So I messaged my crush (accidentally on purpose) I just wanted to see wether that number was still active or not, or if he blocked me?? Idk we haven't spoken in a while and I guess curiosity got the best of me. What should I do if he replies back? Do I try and take things forward??
Why would you ask other people this? We don't know what you want.
I think this is dependent on what they say. If it’s something like “never text me again” then things should be quite self explanatory.
The fact that he blocked you and you don't talk suggests there is nothing to take forward...
Reply 4
It’s pretty obvious what to do if he replies. The excruciating thing is the wait to see. What happened?
Reply 5
Original post by Zarek
It’s pretty obvious what to do if he replies. The excruciating thing is the wait to see. What happened?

Well he replied and we're having a pretty good convo about a topic we both enjoy. He's making a lot jokes so we seem to be doing okay. But I don't know whether to take it forward and how? I know it's weird asking random people on the internet for help but I haven't told my friends yet because they'll make this into a big thing which is what I don't want. Do guys like it when girls make the first move?
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous
Well he replied and we're having a pretty good convo about a topic we both enjoy. He's making a lot jokes so we seem to be doing okay. But I don't know whether to take it forward and how? I know it's weird asking random people on the internet for help but I haven't told my friends yet because they'll make this into a big thing which is what I don't want. Do guys like it when girls make the first move?

Yes it’s good when girls make the first move. Go for it if your instinct is that he’s up for it

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