The Student Room Group

No idea where to firm (Manchester Bristol Edinburgh)

deciding between Manchester, Bristol and Edinburgh for maths and philosophy but all of my offers are A*AA and they seem about the same in terms of prestige so I’m stuck

Although I like Edinburgh the most because of the city it’s a 4 year degree (although you can do a year abroad) and pretty far away.

Bristol has a really cute maths building but idk if I like the city and I heard second year accom is a nightmare. All of the unis are in cities so they all seem pretty active

Any opinions from anyone who’s been would be appreciated
Original post by nina39483
deciding between Manchester, Bristol and Edinburgh for maths and philosophy but all of my offers are A*AA and they seem about the same in terms of prestige so I’m stuck

Although I like Edinburgh the most because of the city it’s a 4 year degree (although you can do a year abroad) and pretty far away.

Bristol has a really cute maths building but idk if I like the city and I heard second year accom is a nightmare. All of the unis are in cities so they all seem pretty active

Any opinions from anyone who’s been would be appreciated

Hi there,

Edinburgh is a beautiful city, so that's a big bonus for it. Plus it's relatively cheap (at least that was my impression of it when I visited last summer, but I live in London so I might have a distorted sense of what counts as cheap). How do you like the course there, though?

While how beautiful the Maths building is may be a minor consideration when choosing university, it shouldn't be the biggest, and it's rather telling that the only good thing you say about Bristol is that it's got a really cute Maths building. You don't seem really convinced by Bristol.

I would choose whichever one you like most (your posts reads off as if that were Edinburgh). I would also consider the Maths courses of all of them though, and the stuff they teach you. I know a mathematics student at my own university that is severely disappointed with the level of maths that they teach at the degree at my uni, so make sure that isn't you!
Reply 2
Any extras like study abroad or a placement add enormously to your graduate CV.

Aside from this, double check the course content at each Uni - is it a 50/50 split between the two subjects, is there a different emphasis/focus between the Unis. etc etc. And housing ££ - yes, Bristol is currently a short on student flats and therefore they cost more than in other cities.

Finally, if you haven't been to each place, look at the Uni campus tour films on YouTube - and the tourist films for the cities.

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