The Student Room Group

economics clearing

what are the best unis (for economics) that usually enter clearing in case predicted grades are exceeded this summer?
Reply 1
There is no reliable 'usually in Clearing' for any subject as it changes every year.

One factor this year is that many of the top Unis have raised their entry requirements for Economics meaning that when applicants miss out on those as Firms, more people are likely to be accepting Insurance places or searching for Clearing places at middle ranking Unis. This is a guestimate assumption and may not be born out in reality - we shall see.
Original post by lesgo21
what are the best unis (for economics) that usually enter clearing in case predicted grades are exceeded this summer?

Vey difficult to know as things change year on year. Last year and previous years top 15 or so universities werent in clearing for Economics. More and more have been applying for Economics in recent years so it has become more competitive. If leading universities do end up in clearing they are not likely to drop grades much and will probably require grade A in Maths A level.

Maybe the best thing you could do is to check extra and use filter for universities with vacancies. Any university not showing places is likely to not be in clearing. If a university currently has courses available there is a strong possibility they will have vacancies. This isnt a definite but itis the best guide you will have.
Having done a quick check Birmingham, Cardiff, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield and Southampton amongst others are showing vacancies and these plus a few others will likely be the best in clearing although that isnt guaranteed.
Reply 4
If you get better than expected grades, and meet/exceed a Uni's normal entry requirements, you can phone that Uni (even if they are not officially in Clearing) and ask. The worst they can say is No.

If that doesnt get you anything sensible, then just plan a gap year and reapply next year to 'higher grade Unis'.
Reply 5
Original post by McGinger
If you get better than expected grades, and meet/exceed a Uni's normal entry requirements, you can phone that Uni (even if they are not officially in Clearing) and ask. The worst they can say is No.
If that doesnt get you anything sensible, then just plan a gap year and reapply next year to 'higher grade Unis'.

that is some good advice, have you heard of anyone achieving success by going through this route?
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by swanseajack1
Having done a quick check Birmingham, Cardiff, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield and Southampton amongst others are showing vacancies and these plus a few others will likely be the best in clearing although that isnt guaranteed.

thank you
Original post by McGinger
If you get better than expected grades, and meet/exceed a Uni's normal entry requirements, you can phone that Uni (even if they are not officially in Clearing) and ask. The worst they can say is No.
If that doesnt get you anything sensible, then just plan a gap year and reapply next year to 'higher grade Unis'.


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