The Student Room Group

What phone is best?

I'm looking to buy a phone within 150 pounds. I am not a technology person and have no clue how to compare phones. I DO NOT want an Apple phone though. Everyone in my family uses Samsung but not like new models so the camera quality is not great. I've been recommended, Samsung, Huawei, Vivo, Oppo, Honour and Redmi Xiaoxia. I don't know what to choose?!??
I want a phone that should last me around 5 years minimum, and has good camera quality and storage capacity.
Any recommendations and experiences?
Reply 1
I think you could go on websites like argos, amazon, currys and etc look at the phones in your range. Try to watch some comparison videos on youtube about them. I'm sure there are plenty.

Honor X7b looks like a decent phone with a great camera, or the Xiaomi Redmi Note 13. Seems like the Samsung Galaxy range, such as A15 and A34 have lower quality cameras as you said.

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