Own up, slow eaters (or people who were given loads). Nearly one full week after egg day who is still going on the chocolate? [Chocolate given for Easter, which may not be an egg, does count. Chocolate which would normally be in the cupboard anyway does not count.]
Own up, slow eaters (or people who were given loads). Nearly one full week after egg day who is still going on the chocolate? [Chocolate given for Easter, which may not be an egg, does count. Chocolate which would normally be in the cupboard anyway does not count.]
Is it bad that I eat ALL the chocolate on the day? 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Better enjoy all the Chocolate that you can get, because soon it will be a Luxury only enjoyed by wealthy. Cocoa price has TRIPLED in 6 months and still rising due to crop failures. Really is going to cripple Chocolate supplies. Stock up now.
I'm still eating my one egg I got! Reeces easter eggs always knock it out of the park for enjoyable chocolate but I'm not really a chocolate fan, so they tend to last me ages! Like a two years ago I got the reeces peanut butter filled chocolate rabbit and I knew I had to eat it ASAP... but I still ate like a snail. Other foods on the hand? GONE INSTANTLY!! I eat a absurdly large amount of hashbrowns, that in the time it'll take me to finish the rest of this one easter egg I'll 100% most definitely eaten the whole bag of hashbrowns I got today.........
A big stock, either you had really uncountable eggs and bunnies or you are just too reserved and keep the chocolate for the next Easter.
The total was three eggs (and the accompanying things you get), a Reese's selection box, a 5-pack of Creme Eggs, a Lindt rabbit, some Malteaster and KitKat bunnies, and the odd other little bit. I just try not to eat too much in one go.
Got a small egg left but pretty sure that’s because I was away for a week right after Easter Proud to say first Easter in a long time I’ve been able to have the chocolate and feel alright 🙂