Good morning again! I note that you were burning the midnight oil last night - I suppose exams are just around the corner!!
Yes, if the black box shows [i.e. can prove] that you were not connected to it, then you would be ok because any type of insurance [e.g. car ins, life ins, travel ins, home ins] covers a specific person at a specific time under specific conditions.
Having said that, my grandad [a doctor, too] always says "Prevention isd better than cure!", so drive carefully, don't tailgate anyone [fundamental rule of advanced driving], and before you set off check that your brakes, tyres, indicators and lights are all working properly, clean your windscreens and windows thoroughly [visibility is everything!], ask dad to show you how to check oil level and coolant; in short, minimize the probability of any adverse event tho you can never make it zero!
Are you driving e.g. a Renault Clio, Toyota Yaris, Nissan Micra, etc.
Are you flying a Cessna, Boeing 747, etc?
RE: why "black box"? I have not gained my pilot's license yet, so if you have, THEN SUPER WELL DONE!!! 🥇[jk - in your youngsters' lingo!]
Have a lovely break [dw all will be fine!]