Thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it😄. I’ve been working nights since starting placement so I’ve been finding it challenging to get the same experience you would during day shift. I’m here for 8 weeks total.
My practice assessor only works nights so I’ve had a bit of a panic thinking about getting things signed off but I’m sure I’ll manage somehow. I had a bit of a nightmare asking for experience on day shifts as they were quite adamant I’d have to do shifts alongside my PA even thought students are told to have a combination of all shifts. Most of the staff are nice, others have been less approachable and it’s the first time I’ve felt slightly uncomfortable but I understand that’s part of the process of nursing unfortunately - it’s not all sunshine and roses.
Have to say it’s not the nicest experience I’ve had as a student and can definitely say this area is not for me unfortunately😂. I’m willing to learn and am always grateful for the experience despite the negatives but will be glad to get the work done, the placement finished and put it behind me😅