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AQA GCSE Physics Paper 2 (Higher Tier triple) 8463/2H - 14th June 2024 [Exam Chat]

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How did your AQA GCSE Physics Paper 2 Higher Tier Triple exam go?

Not so good 18%
Terrible 6%
Quite Well34%
Total votes: 392
AQA GCSE Physics Paper 2 (Higher Tier separate science) 8463/2H - 14th June 2024 [Exam Chat]
Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

This thread is for triple science and not combined science

General Information
Date/Time: 14th June 2024 PM
Length: 1hr 45 mins

(edited 10 months ago)

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lol last exam
Original post by Daniboynah
lol last exam
Luckyyy I still have food and further maths after this😭
Reply 3
How on earth do I get a 9 in the paper 2 of this. I'm not too bad at physics but I find the topics in paper 2 so much harder. What are the best ways to understand and learn it well enough to get a 9?
Original post by agent_duck343
Luckyyy I still have food and further maths after this😭

ill be baked for paper 2 guaranteed hate everything about physics ong
Original post by :) Vya.
ill be baked for paper 2 guaranteed hate everything about physics ong
Reply 7
Bro i have 2 days and half a day after chem free to revise for this (and paper 3 geo but thats just a joke) so its ok riiiiiightttttt….
Original post by blwuerry
Bro i have 2 days and half a day after chem free to revise for this (and paper 3 geo but thats just a joke) so its ok riiiiiightttttt….

im in the exact same boat🤣
Reply 9
Chat ive got geo and physics and atm revision has so not been there for me personally.
Reply 10
Original post by blwuerry
bro i have 2 days and half a day after chem free to revise for this (and paper 3 geo but thats just a joke) so its ok riiiiiightttttt….

no litch what is paper 3 geo😭
Original post by toby.okelola
im in the exact same boat🤣

for real me too man..
What predictions for this paper?
I hope not a lot of Electromagnetism is on it
Reply 13
Any topics to revise? Waves, forces, what else?
Reply 14
Original post by agent_duck343
Luckyyy I still have food and further maths after this😭

how did you find further maths paper one? i hated it but our school kind of messed us over 😭 so i dont really care lol paper two can be better
Original post by Colvik15
Any topics to revise? Waves, forces, what else?

Waves, forces, electromagnetism and space
Reply 16
Original post by empirical-ra
Waves, forces, electromagnetism and space

Thank you
Primrose kitten just made a paper to grade nine so it’s worth watching that.
how did you find further maths paper one? i hated it but our school kind of messed us over 😭 so i dont really care lol paper two can be better

I hated it so much too
need help for physics