But OP, remember, it's ok to be single. There is so much more to life than getting a gf. Live for yourself, go experience new things. Friends can sometimes be even better than a gf. Marriage is not the end all be all. Not having a gf doesn't make you less of a person or man.
However OP, if you really crave it, I would recommend you to attempt to be less awkward. I can assure you that girls aren't that scary. Most of us just don't talk to guys unless they talk to us first. (At least that's me) Just develop your own confidence and make friends. You'll find a girl eventually if you do so. Remember, if you want it badly--you only live once so why not just shed your awkwardness and adopt a new person in the city? Who cares if you embarrass yourself one time? No one's going to remember that after a few years (probably). Don't let your awkwardness hinder your life.