I have a female friend (35) who exhibits concerning behavior when it comes to seeking attention from men I'm interested in or talking to. Despite her claims of being content with her single status, she often inserts herself into conversations or connections with men I'm pursuing, even going as far as adding them on social media platforms like LinkedIn. This behavior makes me uncomfortable and raises questions about her intentions and boundaries. While she presents herself as confident and independent, her actions suggest a deeper insecurity and a need for external validation because she has said multiple times that guys have rejected her and chosen another woman instead of her. Or have only treated her as an FWB and not girlfriend material. Each time she meets a new guy, she posts a lot of pictures and stories to show him but he eventually loses interest.
She has done this twice. First with my ex by constantly saying hello to him, in the hopes that he would talk but he never did and she complained that he doesn't talk
Now she's sent a linkedin request to the one I'm currently talking to and I have a feeling that she checks the telegram only to see if I'm still talking to him (since we only talk oh telegram) . She doesn't even like these guys yet she feels the need to seek attention from the same guys I'm talking to
How can I address this issue with her without damaging our friendship? Or should I cut her off? Because I feel she's the type of woman who will eventually become a homewrecker due to her desperation and I don't want somebody like this around especially if I have a boyfriend.