Hi guys, I've got a bit of a dilemma.
My friend group at uni have been planning a 10 day holiday in Spain this summer and I've been invited along. One of the guys has an apartment there so accommodation will be free, meaning I'd only have to pay for my flight. This sounds great but I'm dithering about whether I actually want to go or not.
The thing is, while I like the group and enjoy hanging out during term time, I'm not sure I feel comfortable enough to go on holiday with them. This year has been my first at university and honestly, I really struggled at the start which means I joined the friend group late. This, along with some other things, has led me to feel like I don't fit in with them. While I do mostly enjoy their company, I don't necessarily feel like they're 'my people', as cringy as that sounds...
I'm already going on holiday with my family this summer and I really just want to relax at home after a bit of a turbulent academic year.
But at the same time, I don't want to feel left out. I've never had a proper friend group before coming to uni and I know that this is the type of offer I've always longed for in the past. Therefore, it feels stupid to turn it down, I've always been a bit boring and I feel like I should try to make some memories.
But, again, that being said, I don't feel completely comfortable with the idea of going on holiday with these specific people. I know they will just want to go out drinking and, as anxious sober person, I think I'll probably end up in quite a few situations where I feel uncomfortable. There are also 2 other people in our group who will not be going as they can't make it, so I wouldn't be the only one not there. If the holiday was just a couple days I'd probably accept but the idea of spending over a week with them makes me uneasy.
But what do you think, should I go on holiday with my uni friends or not?