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Cant decide which uni...

I have received offers from LSE, KCL, Edinburgh, Warwick and waiting for Bath for Business and Management. I cant decide which uni to choose, any advice?
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by fblackwo
I have received offers from LSE, KCL, Edinburgh, Warwick and Bath for Business and Management. I cant decide which uni to choose, any advice?

Have you been to offer days?Have you really looked into the course content at each?What sort of environment would you prefer?
Reply 2
Original post by Scotney
Have you been to offer days?Have you really looked into the course content at each?What sort of environment would you prefer?

I have been to open days, but cant go to offer days because they are in the middle of my exams, which is really unfortunate. I definitely want to have a fun social life and be involved in uni life, not just academics.
Reply 3
Original post by fblackwo
I have been to open days, but cant go to offer days because they are in the middle of my exams, which is really unfortunate. I definitely want to have a fun social life and be involved in uni life, not just academics.

Which one did you leave like the feel of?
Hi there,

Deciding between universities is a tough decision as there are so many factors at play. I can give you some insight into Bath to help with your decision.

For starters I would recommend looking through the business and management courses at each of the unis and see if you can find out the modules you will study and work you will produce. This may give you an insight into what you’re interested in as each university may have slightly different modules for the course.

Second you want to consider the learning environment for the courses. Bath has a huge host of support for students including well-being services, financial support, student mentors, personal tutors etc, so whatever you may struggle with there will be support there to assist you through and ensure you are able to learn and perform at your best throughout the course so you get the most out of your degree. The university also offers a lot of scholarships, bursaries and loans (without interest) to help wherever you may need.

There are also the great job prospects which follow. Bath also has great connections to a lot of companies for both placement and graduate options and assist you a lot in finding a career during and post studies. The placement/graduate team offer a bunch of help including CV assistance, mock interviews and emailing companies to gather job opportunities. Bath also has a great employability rate!

Furthermore, you want to consider outside the scope of academics and consider where you will be living for the year. It would be worth looking into what each of the cities have to offer such as aesthetic, night life, restaurants, supermarkets etc. since you mentioned you prefer quieter outings, Bath has a of beautiful places to visit throughout the day with friends. You may hear that the nightlife is not as busy as other big cities however, if you ever were interested in going out there is almost always some type of social occurring, clubs are open 6 days a week and Bristol is only ten minutes on the train or 30 minutes on the bus if you wanted something livelier. Personally, Bath has been great in terms of things to do, and super easy transport links between the city centre/student housing areas and the university (the university is only 10mins on the bus from the city centre which runs every 15 minutes).

Overall, you’ll want to consider all aspects of all universities. Good luck with your decision!

Sophie (uni of Bath)

Reply 5
Thank you so much! I had a really good impression of Bath when I visited and I have only ever heard good things from students there, everyone loves it!
Reply 6
Stats-wise, on The Complete University Guide, KCL is best of those overall for this subject. Entry standards are also highest at KCL, out of all of those universities, for this subject. That said, my heart is never with London as a place to have 'the undergraduate experience'. I like a university to unequivocally be a major point of its city, not just one of many parts. That's just a bias of mine though. It's not categorically correct and there's no business like the business of London I guess but it's just a bit too obvious to me and I think successful business comes from struggling against an archetype, not just aligning yourself on your CV with an epicentre of business.
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by fblackwo
I have received offers from LSE, KCL, Edinburgh, Warwick and waiting for Bath for Business and Management. I cant decide which uni to choose, any advice?

definitely LSE or Kings. Having a CV with has either of those universities one it will definitely open more doors. Congrats!!
Reply 8
Original post by Picnicl
Stats-wise, on The Complete University Guide, KCL is best of those overall for this subject. Entry standards are also highest at KCL, out of all of those universities, for this subject. That said, my heart is never with London as a place to have 'the undergraduate experience'. I like a university to unequivocally be a major point of its city, not just one of many parts. That's just a bias of mine though. It's not categorically correct and there's no business like the business of London I guess but it's just a bit too obvious to me and I think successful business comes from struggling against an archetype, not just aligning yourself on your CV with an epicentre of business.

I agree with the issue about london, as I am more keen on the campus experience. Then again, the london unis have a better name and graduate prospects.... I am highly considering Warwick because I feel like its a mix of both. What do you think is more important?
Reply 9
Original post by fblackwo
I agree with the issue about london, as I am more keen on the campus experience. Then again, the london unis have a better name and graduate prospects.... I am highly considering Warwick because I feel like its a mix of both. What do you think is more important?

I think if you have any doubts about London go elsewhere.You face having to commute into uni and no campus.Lifestyle is important as being unhappy does not make for good grades.Go for the course and campus you like and forget uni tables which are a flawed metric anyway.

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