The Student Room Group

Can’t decide which masters to take

Hi there to whoever stumbles across this,
I’m currently torn between picking what to specialise in psychology… I want to do counselling bc I’m really big on mental health but I also am really interested in educational psychology.. however pay in educational psychology is not great. Clinical is the best option in terms of pay but highly competitive, I’m not sure I could keep up or get in😭 I need to decide asap but I’m wondering if someone else had the same problem? If so, please share how did you decided!!( or for any field of psychology).
Original post by tryingherbest3
Hi there to whoever stumbles across this,
I’m currently torn between picking what to specialise in psychology… I want to do counselling bc I’m really big on mental health but I also am really interested in educational psychology.. however pay in educational psychology is not great. Clinical is the best option in terms of pay but highly competitive, I’m not sure I could keep up or get in😭 I need to decide asap but I’m wondering if someone else had the same problem? If so, please share how did you decided!!( or for any field of psychology).

What do you actually want to do?
The masters wont influence clinical much anyway tbh. So if you want to go into practice from the end of a masters you're narrowing it down to counselling. Counselling is counselling its a therapeutic branch.

The clinical psychologist has the most earning potential in and out of the NHS. An ed psych is around NHS band 7 on average and clinical (average) 8a.

They're quite different jobs

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