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A month until GCSEs - revision hours

Ive just worked out that it’s a month until my first GCSE (Biology AQA paper 1) and that feels like so soon. I’m getting worried about revision hours, so I need some advice!
I’ve heard some people say that they’re doing 8+ hours a day, and I know that there’s no way I can focus for that long. At weekends I can do 3 hours each day max, and weekdays it’s more likely to be 2. (I have a really busy schedule) is that enough? Should I be revising every weekend and saying no to other commitments?
Pls leave advice!!
Reply 1
Original post by ejhhh
Ive just worked out that it’s a month until my first GCSE (Biology AQA paper 1) and that feels like so soon. I’m getting worried about revision hours, so I need some advice!
I’ve heard some people say that they’re doing 8+ hours a day, and I know that there’s no way I can focus for that long. At weekends I can do 3 hours each day max, and weekdays it’s more likely to be 2. (I have a really busy schedule) is that enough? Should I be revising every weekend and saying no to other commitments?
Pls leave advice!!
I think that this last month is the most important month. All content can be covered in this month if you work hard and so i think you should do 6-8 hours on weekend and 4 hrs atleast on weekdays. Dont overthink how many hours others are doing. First focus on the hard topics and make revision easier:frown:Here are some useful tips, i did GCSE last year and got 6 9's):

Geography: Definitely go over exam papers now and the topics you struggle on have to go over first

Maths: Dont waste time on easy questions such as expansions, focus on harder questions at the end of the paper as they contain the most marks. Use physics and maths tutor and TL maths as physics and maths tutor got loads of questions on topic and past papers and TL maths has good revision videos for GCSE

English: Search up on youtube the most useful quotes that can be used for most topics in your literature book. Youtube has many english teachers who also predict papers - this can be very useful

Biology - This is probably the best hack for Biology exam papers, remember the mark scheme, the markscheme for biology for my board wanted me to put in key words and so i would get the mark, e.g if a question is on respiration: always include the word oxygen, Atp and i would the mark. Most biology questions are repetiive and so do this

Chemistry: Most questions are the same and just do loads of past paper questions. search on youtube the entire course overview and this is probably the most useful

Physics; Same advice with chemistry Advice, the cgp books are very useful

History - havent done it

R.S: Depends on board but best advice is to use books and complete questions from ppq

Computing: If edexcel there is a pearson book which has all the content; its the best to get a high grade. Coding: use useful websites such as W3SCHOOLS or search on youtube "Python for beginners" for example.

Languages: I am not so sure on this one but use a AQA book dependent on language, it is quite good for learning
Hope this helps, Good luck!

Reply 2
Original post by Jskkdjdj
I think that this last month is the most important month. All content can be covered in this month if you work hard and so i think you should do 6-8 hours on weekend and 4 hrs atleast on weekdays. Dont overthink how many hours others are doing. First focus on the hard topics and make revision easier:frown:Here are some useful tips, i did GCSE last year and got 6 9's):

Geography: Definitely go over exam papers now and the topics you struggle on have to go over first

Maths: Dont waste time on easy questions such as expansions, focus on harder questions at the end of the paper as they contain the most marks. Use physics and maths tutor and TL maths as physics and maths tutor got loads of questions on topic and past papers and TL maths has good revision videos for GCSE

English: Search up on youtube the most useful quotes that can be used for most topics in your literature book. Youtube has many english teachers who also predict papers - this can be very useful

Biology - This is probably the best hack for Biology exam papers, remember the mark scheme, the markscheme for biology for my board wanted me to put in key words and so i would get the mark, e.g if a question is on respiration: always include the word oxygen, Atp and i would the mark. Most biology questions are repetiive and so do this

Chemistry: Most questions are the same and just do loads of past paper questions. search on youtube the entire course overview and this is probably the most useful

Physics; Same advice with chemistry Advice, the cgp books are very useful

History - havent done it

R.S: Depends on board but best advice is to use books and complete questions from ppq

Computing: If edexcel there is a pearson book which has all the content; its the best to get a high grade. Coding: use useful websites such as W3SCHOOLS or search on youtube "Python for beginners" for example.

Languages: I am not so sure on this one but use a AQA book dependent on language, it is quite good for learning
Hope this helps, Good luck!

Thank you so much for this advice! I’m definitely going to do loads of past papers, as you said it’s a really good way to revise
Reply 3
I would agree with the post above. It is your final month so try to push yourself as much as possible and work hard. I’d aim for 4 hours on school nights and 8 hours+ at weekends.

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