The Student Room Group

Nursing hours- transferring Univeristy

So I transferred university from year 2.
I had to redo my second year but I came across with 1200 hours. I have redone my second year placements and completed 2 third year placements so my hours are up to 2184. I have one placement left before qualifying. However my Univeristy informed me that if you transfer university I can only bring 800 hours across. Therefore I’ve had nearly 500 hours taken off me meaning I have quite a few hours to make up. I can’t find any information about these 800 hours on the nmc student information. Can anyone help please?
I hope this makes sense, stressed is an understatement
Reply 1
Original post by Feathers2101
So I transferred university from year 2.
I had to redo my second year but I came across with 1200 hours. I have redone my second year placements and completed 2 third year placements so my hours are up to 2184. I have one placement left before qualifying. However my Univeristy informed me that if you transfer university I can only bring 800 hours across. Therefore I’ve had nearly 500 hours taken off me meaning I have quite a few hours to make up. I can’t find any information about these 800 hours on the nmc student information. Can anyone help please?
I hope this makes sense, stressed is an understatement
Best thing to do is discuss the matter with your university student union representative and they will give you the advice on this.

You have to complete 2300 hours of placement hours over the 3 years of your degree and same amount of hours required for your practical and university studying ( total of 4600 hours) .
They should have told you that you can only bring over xxx at beginning of your coursework with your current university.
As far as you were aware of you only had about 116 more hours of placement hours to complete but now you'll have to complete 616 hours in time remaining of this year.....?

@Emily_B any more advise 😔

NMC will be looking for you to completed your allocated amount of Hours over the 3 years before they will sign you of as a registered nurse.
Reply 2
Original post by Feathers2101
So I transferred university from year 2.
I had to redo my second year but I came across with 1200 hours. I have redone my second year placements and completed 2 third year placements so my hours are up to 2184. I have one placement left before qualifying. However my Univeristy informed me that if you transfer university I can only bring 800 hours across. Therefore I’ve had nearly 500 hours taken off me meaning I have quite a few hours to make up. I can’t find any information about these 800 hours on the nmc student information. Can anyone help please?
I hope this makes sense, stressed is an understatement

Thanks for the tag @Tracey_W

I think the issue here is having transferred university, where in transferring it's down to the uni how much they can/will accredit - both theory and practice sides - which isn't down to the NMC. Better to check with the university, but that doesn't detract from the lack of communication in them not accrediting 400 hours of the 1200 already completed pre transfer.
Reply 3
Original post by Emily_B
Thanks for the tag @Tracey_W
I think the issue here is having transferred university, where in transferring it's down to the uni how much they can/will accredit - both theory and practice sides - which isn't down to the NMC. Better to check with the university, but that doesn't detract from the lack of communication in them not accrediting 400 hours of the 1200 already completed pre transfer.

@Emily_B I never came across that situation when someone transferred over from another university reason why I wasn't completely sure 😊

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