Hi everyone,
Im a first year at university but 22 years old (took a few years out). I've never had a boyfriend/talking stage or even a bit of a flirt. I have never had anyone show even a slight interest in me, or have a crush on me. It's like im completely invisible to men, like im not even an option.
At age 16, I definitely noticed it but I didn't care too much because I thought my destiny would meet me when I was older but now im 22 and I feel unlovable.
what makes me so polar to men, why do they never approach me. I have always felt secure but now I think, is it me? am I unattractive, too rude, high standards? what more can I do when other women are approached unprovoked
I don't know what to do, ive even tried approaching men or being a tad flirty but nobody either gets the hint or wants to move forward. I just feel heartbroken seeing everyone find happiness, it's not envy as I am so so happy at seeing love prosper.
but when is it my turn?