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Should I choose to stay on campus or off campus as an international student?

Should I choose to stay on campus or off campus as an international student pursuing postgraduate studies in AI at the University of Kent in Canterbury?
Original post by alfredisagoodboy
Should I choose to stay on campus or off campus as an international student pursuing postgraduate studies in AI at the University of Kent in Canterbury?

Hi @alfredisagoodboy ,

I hope you are well. Firstly congratulations and we cannot wait to welcome you to the university!

This choice is of course completely up to you but here is some advice from myself (a final year undergraduate Psychology student).

If it is your first time living in Canterbury you might want to choose to live on campus for at least your first year so you can become acquainted with Canterbury. Another benefit of living on campus is that there are many events for students to meet each other which you would not often find off campus. There are many options for your budget and preferences which can be found here:

There are some student blogs that talk about on campus living, naming one of the major benefits of bills being sorted for you to take away some stress so you can focus on your studies. An example of a student blog:

A final major benefit in my opinion (because it can be an expensive extra cost in Canterbury) is a free gym membership to the campus gym if you live on the Canterbury campus!

There are also some advantages of being off campus such as being closer to facilities you want to be closer to as you get to choose your location and where you live.

I hope these give you some answers and if you have any more questions do not hesitate to ask them. Good luck with your studies!

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