The Student Room Group

Am I the *******?

ok so basically my friend just got her first bf and everything and I'm excited for her and I'm happy that he makes her happy but the issue I have is that she doesn't really talk to me anymore, when her and her bf just started talking we had sat next to each other in class throughout class she would get up out of her seat and talk to this boy this continued for a while and I didn't really care that much until they started dating, I don't have a problem with them dating I was just surprised as she js started hosting me to be honest. this has been going on for a while and I have talked to a mutual friend of both me and the girl about how I am feeling she offered to say smth to the girl as I knew she probably wouldn't talk to me she she did say smth to her and she responded, she called me annoying and rude and that shes sick and tired of me complaining and that I need to grow up and can fix this by myself. She has asked me countless of times if I would want to get up out of my new seat and come sit w her and her bf and I did once and she barely even spoke a word to me so everytime she offered which was like twice I js declined, as a response to the message she also said that shes offered so many times and that its my fault and I'm the problem and I need to fix everything and tbh I don't really know what to do because I relayy don want her to be md at me because shes one of my closest friends but she doesn't see the problem in what she is doing and it making it seem like that everything is my fault and maybe it is but idrk.
Reply 1
It sounds like she’s infatuated with her new boyfriend. But if you feel like she’s not making effort anymore. Maybe that’s your sign to start building new friendships. She doesn’t seem very bothered in making effort with you, without her boyfriend being there. You can only try so much, and if it’s not getting through then focus on yourself, and making yourself happy. Meet new people and socialise with new people. Hope this helps 😊
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 2
Original post by AJH23
It sounds like she’s infatuated with her new boyfriend. But if you feel like she’s not making effort anymore. Maybe that’s your sign to start building new friendships. She doesn’t seem very bothered in making effort with you, without her boyfriend being there. You can only try so much, and if it’s not getting through then focus on yourself, and making yourself happy. Meet new people and socialise with new people. Hope this helps 😊

I know! thanks for your insight I really appreciate the advice!

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