I have received offers for Economics at UCL, Warwick, Bath and an offer for Econ and Management from Durham. My grades are already achieved so my offered are unconditional, and I am struggling to choose which university would be best for me. In terms of the course and career prospects, I believe UCL and Warwick are the best, whilst Durham and Bath are a level below but are roughly equal to each other.
However, I am also a competitive distance runner and running is something I want to pursue at uni. For this Bath and Durham have stronger running teams and Bath has amazing sport facilities. Warwick is decent but UCL seems to not be great - the team isn’t strong, there’s no athletics track nearby and less places to run (it has Regent’s Park near at least). However I have read they have a connection with a good athletics club at Parliament Hill (20 min cycle away). Also, the expense of living in London is a downside. Overall, Warwick seems to be a decent middle ground for me but I have also heard some not great things about it - bad area, a bit boring, not great nightlife etc.
Any thoughts for my situation would be much appreciated!