The Student Room Group

Increase chances in getting to top Unis

how can i increase my chances in getting into a good uni apart form grades and extracurriculars, and when we say extracurriculars what sort of things do top unis actually look for?
Reply 1
Reply 2
admission tests
super curricular - some small research projects
some may require strong leadership skills - being head boy/girl, head of student council, leader of a CCA etc
Original post by Anonymous
how can i increase my chances in getting into a good uni apart form grades and extracurriculars, and when we say extracurriculars what sort of things do top unis actually look for?

Extracurricular is like clubs e.g sports and music. Unis like these as it shows you have a good work life balance and commitment, but they definitely prefer super-curricular.

Super-curricular is when you go beyond the course of what you are learning. E.g you can prove that by doing competitions, olympiads, EPQ
Reply 4
Original post by kitty15
Extracurricular is like clubs e.g sports and music. Unis like these as it shows you have a good work life balance and commitment, but they definitely prefer super-curricular.
Super-curricular is when you go beyond the course of what you are learning. E.g you can prove that by doing competitions, olympiads, EPQ
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
admission tests
super curricular - some small research projects
some may require strong leadership skills - being head boy/girl, head of student council, leader of a CCA etc

Original post by Anonymous
how can i increase my chances in getting into a good uni apart form grades and extracurriculars, and when we say extracurriculars what sort of things do top unis actually look for?

What course are you interested in?

How are you defining “top” universities?
Reply 7
What course are you interested in?
How are you defining “top” universities?
i am interested in mostly like biology and psychology
and by top universities, i mean like Johns Hopkins or Berkeley smth like that
Original post by Anonymous
i am interested in mostly like biology and psychology
and by top universities, i mean like Johns Hopkins or Berkeley smth like that

I’ll move this to the studying in north america forum. UK and US universities look for very different things
Reply 9
I’ll move this to the studying in north america forum. UK and US universities look for very different things

ok thankyou!
Reply 10
Original post by Anonymous
ok thankyou!

Check out the top pinned threads in "studying in North America" in the university tab- they will cover all the basics and more for applying and financial aid. GL
Reply 11
Original post by pet973
Check out the top pinned threads in "studying in North America" in the university tab- they will cover all the basics and more for applying and financial aid. GL


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