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How to talk to distant relatives?

My cousin is coming over from Australia and we haven't seen eachother in years and he's like 4 years older than me (I'm 19f) and he's coming with his friend because they are travelling through Europe and they are both staying with us but what do I even say? I feel like it will be awkward especially with his friend like what do we talk about what do we do? What activities am I supposed to do with them or is it okay if I don't spend all my time with them and go to my room because I don't really know them? I have trouble in social situations in general because of social anxiety and I don't like change but I'm just so nervous about having to have a conversation with them I mean will they even like me? So what should I say in a conversation to make it not awkward?
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous
My cousin is coming over from Australia and we haven't seen eachother in years and he's like 4 years older than me (I'm 19f) and he's coming with his friend because they are travelling through Europe and they are both staying with us but what do I even say? I feel like it will be awkward especially with his friend like what do we talk about what do we do? What activities am I supposed to do with them or is it okay if I don't spend all my time with them and go to my room because I don't really know them? I have trouble in social situations in general because of social anxiety and I don't like change but I'm just so nervous about having to have a conversation with them I mean will they even like me? So what should I say in a conversation to make it not awkward?

Start off with a small simple conversation like what are they doing now and like what they want to do in the future.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
My cousin is coming over from Australia and we haven't seen eachother in years and he's like 4 years older than me (I'm 19f) and he's coming with his friend because they are travelling through Europe and they are both staying with us but what do I even say? I feel like it will be awkward especially with his friend like what do we talk about what do we do? What activities am I supposed to do with them or is it okay if I don't spend all my time with them and go to my room because I don't really know them? I have trouble in social situations in general because of social anxiety and I don't like change but I'm just so nervous about having to have a conversation with them I mean will they even like me? So what should I say in a conversation to make it not awkward?

Considering they're travelling around Europe, I'm sure they'll have so many stories to tell so just ask them about those

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