The Student Room Group

Please create an offline mode for the app

Problem Summary
Please create an offline mode for the app

Problem Details
Using the app today in London, went on the tube with a reply half typed. Tried to continue my reply while sat on the tube and was presented with an error message about no internet.

When I reconnected to the internet the app closed itself down and the reply I had spent time constructing was gone.

Previous app didn't do this. Browser doesn't do this unless you've been off the page for a while when it'll do a full refresh but otherwise will autosave.




Additional Information
Hi. Thanks for letting us know. I'll let the product team know and ask for autosave of posts to be added as a feature request.
Original post by PurpleAndGreen
Hi. Thanks for letting us know. I'll let the product team know and ask for autosave of posts to be added as a feature request.

Autosave of posts is already I believe a feature request, this is asking for the app to remain open offline just like the previous app was, and the app before that.
Thanks for clarifying, and sorry for the misunderstanding. I'll pass this on to the product team.

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