The Student Room Group

Student finance error


I'm in my second year applying for SF for third year (2024/25). I have had no issues in the past when applying so I'm not sure what's happened but I managed to complete my section of the application. My mum received an email to support, which she's logged into multiple times over the past week now, but each time a message comes up saying there's an issue with SF's service right now so we haven't been able to complete her side of it yet.

I also had a pop-up on my account saying my personal details don't match my application but I exited and was able to view all my applications and see my 224/25 application is still in progress and waiting for a sponsor now so that's resolved? I'm not sure if that still means there was an error with my own details but everything looks normal again so I'm confused.

If anyone is able to give me any advice on how to fix this I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you.
(edited 10 months ago)
Original post by cynthiapoopia
I'm in my second year applying for SF for third year (2024/25). I have had no issues in the past when applying so I'm not sure what's happened but I managed to complete my section of the application. My mum received an email to support, which she's logged into multiple times over the past week now, but each time a message comes up saying there's an issue with SF's service right now so we haven't been able to complete her side of it yet.
I also had a pop-up on my account saying my personal details don't match my application but I exited and was able to view all my applications and see my 224/25 application is still in progress and waiting for a sponsor now so that's resolved? I'm not sure if that still means there was an error with my own details but everything looks normal again so I'm confused.
If anyone is able to give me any advice on how to fix this I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you.

Hi Cynthia,

If the details provided by the student don’t match with their sponsor(s) e.g., middle name has been included or excluded, the sponsor may be unable to link to the student’s application online and land on the following page: We then advise getting them to do the PFF2 form instead. This can be digitally uploaded onto your account or their account and updates in an estimated 18 working days: Thanks, Jason

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