The Student Room Group

Deciding my Alevel option

Hello, I'm in Yr 11 currently about to write my GCSE'S, I want to be a pilot so I applied for Alevel math, physics and geography. However to do Alevel math, I need a 7 and I'm still in a 5, so I was thinking that if worst come to worst I'll switch math for something else. I'm trying to decide between business and chemistry, I picked business because I want to study Aviation management with pilot studies at bucks new university so I was thinking if business might be a good idea but I'm not sure. Please help me out. Thanks
Reply 1
if youre planning on going to uni you need to check whether the course youre looking at has specific subject requirements but business sounds good if you want to go into the management side of things
Reply 2
Relating to the previous comment, it looks like there aren't any subject specific requirements. If you think business might suit you better then you should absolutely go for it!
Reply 3
not sure how helpful this is but my friend wants to be a pilot too and he picked maths, economics and business
Reply 4
Original post by bacchae
Relating to the previous comment, it looks like there aren't any subject specific requirements. If you think business might suit you better then you should absolutely go for it!

Yeah I'll think about it, thanks so much
Reply 5
Original post by bluegray
if youre planning on going to uni you need to check whether the course youre looking at has specific subject requirements but business sounds good if you want to go into the management side of things

I actually want to go into the flying aspect but since part of the course is management, I think business would be good. But thanks for your advice it was really helpful.
Reply 6
Original post by emiirly
not sure how helpful this is but my friend wants to be a pilot too and he picked maths, economics and business

That's a good combination. Thanks for your help

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