The Student Room Group

WJEC AS Resources?

I'm taking Maths, History and RS with WJEC and the amount of online resources for History and particularly Maths are really poor, considering how good WJEC resources were for GCSEs.
For example, the module I'm taking in History literally isn't included in their knowledge organisers and Maths isn't split between AS/A Level (which to me pretty much defeats the point of having a "knowledge organiser" when it isn't organised??). I know they're by no means crucial for revising but they'd be such a help if anyone knows where similar WJEC resources are.
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
This is really late, but mathsdiy is really good for practice questions. it has worked out solutions which is good in practice and teaching. Intergralmaths is also super good for actually explaining maths, along with revision maths which is again, all about explaining topics. hope this helps!
Reply 3
Original post by metthomer122
This is really late, but mathsdiy is really good for practice questions. it has worked out solutions which is good in practice and teaching. Intergralmaths is also super good for actually explaining maths, along with revision maths which is again, all about explaining topics. hope this helps!

thanks so much this totally helps! my exam is exactly a week and a half away haha but this will definitely help!

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